After two American bulldogs escaped their owner’s yard and ended up neck-deep in dirty water in a neighbor’s septic tank, luckily, an animal services employee came to the rescue and lifted the dogs to safety in the nick of time.
Brenda and Bianca’s plight was relieved when someone noticed them stuck in a septic tank on Nov. 10, 2020, and called Miami-Dade Animal Services.
Welfare Officer Yureisy Hernandez arrived and was shocked to find two filthy pups, barely within reach and neck-deep in water.

Using a nearby ladder, Hernandez created a scaffold from which to lift the two dogs out of the water and onto dry land.
Admitting that she was “not used to dealing with septic tanks,” Hernandez said that she would have jumped in to retrieve the dogs if the ladder hadn’t been there.
Brenda and Bianca were taken to the animal services center, where they received a clean bill of health.

As neither dog was microchipped or wearing a collar, the shelter nicknamed the bulldogs Peaches and Cream. They shared Hernandez’s footage online, hoping that someone would recognize them.
Meanwhile, the owner of the bulldogs, Vanessa Cruz, of Miami-Dade County, Florida, began a desperate hunt for her missing canines on social media.
Miraculously, Cruz’s brother in California saw the footage, recognized Brenda and Bianca, and joined the dots. His sister rushed to collect her missing pups.

With a little luck, Brenda and Bianca’s accidental tumble into the septic tank was a one-off adventure.
Eventually, the mischievous bulldogs headed home, but not before Cruz had both the dogs collared and microchipped to prevent future mishaps.