Traumatized Dog Nobody Wanted Finally Finds Perfect Forever Home With New Best Friend

Traumatized Dog Nobody Wanted Finally Finds Perfect Forever Home With New Best Friend
(Courtesy of Oakwood Dog Rescue)

A puppy who was traumatized from living on the streets of Romania spent almost two months overlooked at a UK shelter—until his story went viral. After vetting over 150 applicants, the shelter found the perfect forever home.

Thanks to love and patience, 1-year-old Percy has finally started to settle in. His new owner said he clocked “up to double figures with the tail wags” in his first 24 hours, a far cry from his terrified state weeks prior.

Percy arrived at Oakwood Dog Rescue in Hull at the end of September, 2020.

“[H]e was hiding in a corner shaking and wouldn’t even look at us,” staffers posted on Facebook. “He was so scared he didn’t want to eat or drink.”
(Courtesy of <a href="">Oakwood Dog Rescue</a>)
(Courtesy of Oakwood Dog Rescue)

“Percy will need a very patient and understanding home, living with a more confident friendly female will really help him settle and come out of his shell.”

Percy, too nervous for a foster home, did not cope well in kennels. He sat alone, hiding as best he could, making himself invisible to potential adopters.

Dog trainer Natalie Smith of Quality Canines stepped up to offer free dog training and behavior consultations, hoping it would entice someone to come forward for Percy. “I didn’t even think twice,” she said. “It’s so nice so many people care about dogs the same way I do.”

(Courtesy of <a href="">Oakwood Dog Rescue</a>)
(Courtesy of Oakwood Dog Rescue)
For the shelter, and certainly Percy, the time and effort paid off. On Nov. 22, Oakwood took to Facebook to deliver excellent news: both Percy and another nervous dog named Kira had found their forever homes.

“This is the difference a home environment makes for these dogs,” the shelter posted, sharing a touching video from Percy’s new home. “Percy … would run away from us in panic, yet here he is on a sofa with his new sister and mum after only a few hours.”

Percy’s new owner, Maggie, from Grimsby, made space in her home and heart for Percy, hoping he would be a good companion for her female dog. Not only did Percy become best friends with his new sister immediately, but he seemed to gain confidence from her example of “how to dog.”

(Courtesy of <a href="">Oakwood Dog Rescue</a>)
(Courtesy of Oakwood Dog Rescue)
(Courtesy of <a href="">Oakwood Dog Rescue</a>)
(Courtesy of Oakwood Dog Rescue)
“I’m really pleased with how he has managed in his first 24 hours,” said Maggie, reports GrimsbyLive. “He has claimed his part of the sofa. He happily pops out to the garden and trots back in. He hasn’t been distressed by anything in the house.”
A photo published in the Mirror shows Percy braving uncharted territory on the sofa to nibble a treat from his new mom’s hand.

Smith will be working with Maggie and Percy via Zoom to help ensure the once-traumatized pup’s newfound confidence only grows stronger.

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