A horse was seen galloping behind an ambulance that was carrying her sick sister for 5 miles in Udaipur, India.
Footage shows the horse running behind the vehicle, which was transporting her sister to a medical center.
Girish Bharti, who filmed the scene, said that he followed the horse for around a mile.
The footage was posted on Facebook, where over half a million viewers enjoyed it.

Although many were moved by the horse’s loyal act, not everyone commented positively when it came to examining the actions of the ambulance driver.
“It’s a shame that the Ambulance driver keeps driving so fast putting the mare in danger. He should be arrested for inflicting cruelty on the poor mare. Sick,” commented Albert Fernandes.
Kanchan Bhatt thought it was adorable of the horse to gallop after her sister, but offered a suggestion: “Awwww but the driver shud have stopped and taken this lovable animal together.”