As America and the rest of the world continue to endure the lockdown, Christian MLB player Tim Tebow has released a video urging his fellow “Bible believers” to stand firm in their faith through these tough times. At the core of his message is a reminder that many Biblical heroes were wounded deeply before they rose to greatness.
The video shows the former Denver Broncos quarterback lacing up for what looks like a workout, offering a heart-to-heart to the audience about having faith during the pandemic.

“Bible believers, when we look at the Bible, and we see a lot of the heroes, a lot of times they truly were wounded deeply before they were ever used greatly,” he says.
“So maybe you’re going through a time in your life where you feel like you’ve just been wounded greatly,” Tebow adds. “It hasn’t been your year, hasn’t been your day, you just don’t feel like this is your time.”
He says it could be an opportunity for learning, growing, and adapting, and that Biblical heroes often faced times in their lives where they would have missed out on the “most impactful, most influential” moments if they had quit or asked God for early reprieve.
“When we quit, we will never know what we missed out on,” he adds. “We will never know what’s in store for us.
“But I can tell you this: We get to trust an unknown future to a known God because we know how much he loves us. We know what he did for us in sending his son. He gave his best for us.”
At the time of writing, Tebow’s message had been viewed over 55,000 times.

Born in the Philippines to missionary parents, Tebow, 32, has long been vocal about the role of his deep Christian faith in his life.
Tebow also wrote “Shaken: Discovering Your True identity in the Midst of Life’s Storms” in 2016 to share how faith helped him weather some of the toughest points of his early football career.
“So when people are going through tough times, they have something to hold onto, and they do in their relationship with Christ.”