The protagonists of Australian mystery writer Sulari Gentill are often female Australian authors writing a novel somewhere in the United States. Her characters live in different places and have come to the United States for different reasons. “The Mystery Writer: A Novel” is her latest and follows this formula.
Theodosia Benton wants to be a writer. She drops out of law school in Australia and arrives unannounced at her brother Ben’s doorstep in Lawrence, Kansas. It is an abrupt change, but she is serious about writing and feels that she needs a place where she can work without distraction. Ben, a lawyer, takes her in, allowing her nine months to focus exclusively on writing her novel.
When she spends time fixing her brother’s house instead of writing, Ben tells her to find someplace else to work. She ends up at Benders, a café-bar where the owners let writers work during slow daytime hours. There, she meets Dan Murdoch, an older, well-established writer of mysteries and thrillers.
The two connect. Dan becomes Theo’s writing mentor, recognizing her formidable talent. Guiding her, he improves her writing, and they become friends, then lovers. When she finishes her novel, she has him read it. He thinks it’s publishable.
But Dan has a hidden past. He had buried himself in Kansas, living an isolated existence, hiding from overenthusiastic fans. His literary agency, the prestigious Day Delos, shields him from outside contact. Currently, he’s working on a book involving conspiracy theories and is doing research on conspiracy message boards.
Theo finishes her novel and gives Dan a copy. But when she visits Dan’s house the next day, she finds him brutally murdered. Police suspicions turn to Theo. She was first on the scene, and she admits to quarreling after he refused to recommend her to Day Delos. She didn’t kill him, but who did? An overreacting fan? A conspiracy theorist? Someone else entirely?
Police suspicions harden when others associated with Dan die shortly after encountering Theo. Soon, no one believes her innocence except her brother and his investigative assistant.
Ms. Gentill may follow a formula, but her books aren’t formulaic. “The Mystery Writer” is intricately plotted, with surprising depth and many unexpected twists. Just when a reader thinks he has things figured out, Ms. Gentill inserts another surprise that takes the book in a different and unexpected direction. Readers are never completely sure what’s relevant and what’s a distraction.
Mystery fans will enjoy this fast-paced and entertaining read.