Alfycat is always by the side of his best buddies, 5-year-old twins Sunny and Nyah. Since the 7-year-old rescue cat first met the twins as newborns, he’s shared an incredible bond with them; following them around and imitating them since day one.

Mom of three Rachel March said it’s the sweetest animal behavior she’s ever witnessed. The 34-year-old fashion buyer and vintage curator from Australia said her cat’s devotion to the twins doesn’t stop at goofy antics. One of Alfycat’s most memorable moments was the time he saved the twins from being bitten by a baby eastern brown snake. The brave moggie stayed by the twins’ side, guarding them protectively from the deadly reptile.
“They’re extremely venomous,“ Ms. March told The Epoch Times. ”I’ll never forget that.”
Ms. March, who grew up in Newcastle, New South Wales, and still lives there with her family helped rescue Alfycat from a very bad situation.
“He had fleas, worms, dermatitis, and was underweight,” she said. “We nursed and loved him back to health.”
The black and white kitty with a zest for life was originally brought home for Ms. March’s 11-year-old son, Pheonix, who connected with him instantly, and the two now share a “brotherly dynamic.” They hang out together after the twins go to sleep, and the companionable cat loves to sit and watch Phoenix draw.

As for the girls, Alfy shares a completely different bond with them.
“I think, because Alfy was with me for the entire twin pregnancy, he sees them as his kids rather than a sibling,” Ms. March said. Throughout Ms. March’s pregnancy, “the funny personality, human-like cat” didn’t like to leave Ms. March’s side and would wait for her to come home whenever she left the house.
“It was like having a magnet,” Ms. March said.

After the twins were born and came home from the hospital, the cat, who already seemed to be familiar with them, got down on the floor and lay between them, sniffing them and giving them gentle massages.

As the girls began to grow and do things, Alfy copied them.
“He would get on their change table and lay down like he needed a nappy change,” Ms. March said.
Not wanting to spend a moment away from them, Alfy learned how to open every single door of their house so he could always keep an eye on the siblings and follow them everywhere.
When they played, Alfy would sit in on their games and even play with their toys. Seeming to share an inseparable bond with them, Alfy pushed their walker and didn’t like it when they left the house without him.

Over time, the twins have gotten older and developed distinct personalities—Sunny has grown more extroverted and sassy, she loves to dance and is a “social butterfly,” while Nyah is now calm and cool, enjoying painting, animals, and jigsaws.
But not much has changed with Alfy.
“Wherever the twins are, he’s there too,” Ms. March said. “They start kindergarten this week, and I just know Alfycat will be walking them to school and probably meeting to pick them up.”
Although Ms. March may not have a farm, her family does have a big backyard with ducks, a veggie garden, and lots of animals.
“It’s a beautiful thing, being able to give my kids this life,“ she said. ”Alfycat is the constant in it all.”

Alfycat, Phoenix, and the twins especially love spending time together outside with the other animals. Wherever Sunny and Nyah go, Alfy will be there too.
Reflecting on her beloved cat’s big personality makes Ms. March very emotional, especially considering how challenging his previous situation in life was.
“Cats are often so misunderstood and get the worst rap, but they can be amazing companions if you give them a chance,” she said.