The 10 Worst Things About Summer

Not everyone agrees that summer is a wonderful season and we can’t help but think they’re right. Here are 10 worst things that no one’s looking forward to.
The 10 Worst Things About Summer

It is a known fact that summer is the ideal season for outdoor activities, family gatherings, pool-parties, vacations, and a whole lot of fun.

However, not everyone agrees with this fact; for some, summer is a terrible season and sometimes we can’t help but think they’re right.

Here are 10 worst things about summer that no one’s looking forward to every year.

1. Mosquitoes. No one likes them.

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Just leave me and my blood alone.

2. Wishing you could live in Antarctica so you can escape the ridiculous heat and humidity.

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3. Forgetting to wear sunglasses, a hat, and/or sunscreen then regretting it afterwards.

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4. Non air-conditioned transportation and stores on particularly stuffy days.

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Please help.

5. Who could forget the lovely smell of melting garbage and occasional sewage on street curbs?

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6.  The sudden increase in monsoons and thunderstorms  is a real downer.

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7. The same mood applies with people crowding up the beaches and pools.  

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8. And because it’s so hot, we can’t escape the sweat permeating through our clothing.

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9. And we’re constantly looking for a way to cool down.

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I don’t care what it is—just give me something cold!

10. Taking multiple showers 

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...which isn’t a bad thing after a long hot day.

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Ah, bliss! You deserve it.

*Image of “sweating business man” via Shutterstock

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