A Compilation of 15 Years of Appeal By Falun Gong (+Photos)

A Compilation of 15 Years of Appeal By Falun Gong (+Photos)
AFP/Getty Images

For 15 years, Falun Gong practitioners have gathered together to raise awareness and protest peacefully against the ongoing persecution. Since July 20, 1999, the Chinese Communist Party has banned this cultivation practice due to fear of Falun Gong’s rapid growth and popularity. This cultivation system teaches the supreme qualities of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Tolerance—which are the principals of the universe. On this day, the deaths of millions of practitioners who suffered from the brutalities of the evil CCP are solemnly remembered.


Here are some gifs using collected images of Falun Gong practitioners protesting in various countries around the world.

The above photos are from rallies protesting against the persecution. The pictures for the rallies range from 2012 to 2014 and are taken in Indonesia, Canada (Vancouver, Toronto), Taiwan (Taipei), United States (Washington D.C), and Japan.


The following gif are compiled photos of the Washington D.C. Candlelight vigil from 2000 to 2014.

Images 2000-2004 via Minghui, Images 2005-2014 via Epoch Times