A terminally ill woman and her husband renewed their marriage vows after 42 years in a touching “bucket list” ceremony.
Julie Curran, 62, said she wanted a gathering with friends and family after being told she had a brain tumor in July last year. But she warned she didn’t want it to be a “morbid affair.”
Mrs. Curran and her 66-year-old husband, Pete Curran, from Tunbridge Wells, Kent, England, retied the knot in front of 170 family and friends, some of whom they had not seen for decades.

Mrs. Curran and her daughter Jemma Maddock struck upon the idea of a surprise vow renewal. Customer services assistant Mrs. Maddock, 38, even arranged for a gospel choir and band to perform, which were also both on her mother’s list.
She said: “One of Mum’s bucket list items was to have a gathering of friends and family but not wanting it to be a morbid affair. We chose to turn it into a vow renewal and surprised them with it on Christmas Day—Dad just burst into tears.
“We had the London Community Gospel Choir play at the church, which was the most incredible thing I’ve ever seen, and we hired a steel kettledrum band. Both of which were also on Mum’s bucket list. Then we moved to a private hall, where there was a balloon maker, magician, and DJ, and had a massive party. We’re really lucky to have so many people love my parents.
“There wasn’t a dry eye in the church. They’ve been together for 50 years since my mum was 13, and, in his speech, Dad said, ‘I wish I’d known you longer.'”

Mrs. Curran, who has epilepsy, was diagnosed with a glioblastoma in July after suffering two seizures in two weeks.
She has since had debulking surgery, to remove as much of the tumor as possible, and radiotherapy and is now undergoing chemotherapy.
Mrs. Maddock said: “Mum’s been nothing but optimistic all the way through treatment. Not once has she said ‘I can’t do it’ or wanted to give up. But it’s heartbreaking watching how tired she gets because she was always running around before. I’m just so proud of her for coping with everything so well.”

Mrs. Maddock will be running with her friends Laura Hunt and Danielle Cumberworth and father-in-law, Matthew Hibbert, who call themselves “Juju’s Army” after a nickname her father bestowed on her mother.
“I’m a fixer, and I can’t fix what’s happening to Mum so I feel the half-marathon is the best thing I can do to help,“ Mrs. Maddock said. ”It’s not going to cure her but maybe one day it’ll help cure someone else and save them from this horrible situation.
“I’m up to 7 miles at the moment, and it’s taking me just under an hour. I’m no athlete, but I think on the day, a little bit of adrenaline’s going to kick in because I’m doing it for Mum and for the future, to help find a cure for this dreadful cancer. Hopefully, if Mum’s well enough, she’ll come and sit and watch me run. She’s determined to try and come if she’s able.”
Charlie Allsebrook, community development manager for Brain Tumor Research, said: “With one in three people knowing someone affected by a brain tumor, Julie’s story, whilst sad, is not unique.
“Brain tumors kill more children and adults under the age of 40 than any other cancer. ... We’re really grateful to Jemma for taking on this challenge for us and wish her the best of luck on race day. Together we will find a cure.”