Stray Dog Turning Into ‘Stone’ Looked Like a ‘Mummy’ From Afar, Then a Miracle Happened

Stray Dog Turning Into ‘Stone’ Looked Like a ‘Mummy’ From Afar, Then a Miracle Happened
(Courtesy of Animal Aid Unlimited, India)
Epoch Inspired Staff
From the archives: This story was last updated in May 2019.
WARNING: Graphic content.

On the back streets of an Indian city lived a poor stray dog. She was literally turning to “stone” due to severe mange that had formed crusts as hard as rock on her hairless body. The dog was so near death that she had flies buzzing around her body.

No one knows for how long the poor dog had been suffering in that state, but then one fortunate day, her life changed for the better!

When the rescue team of Animal Aid India found this forsaken little soul, struggling to survive, they instantly got into action to save the poor animal. The rescuer carefully handed the hungry dog a crisp to eat, which she humbly accepted.
(Courtesy of <a href="">Animal Aid Unlimited, India</a>)
(Courtesy of Animal Aid Unlimited, India)
(Courtesy of <a href="">Animal Aid Unlimited, India</a>)
(Courtesy of Animal Aid Unlimited, India)
“She looked like a barnacle, like a mummy discovered after a thousand years. When this elderly girl was awakened by Animal Aid’s rescue team she seemed to be in a kind of delirium, so frail from hunger, infinitely weary from such a long losing battle with mange,” Animal Aid Unlimited wrote on Facebook back in November 2015, alongside a video of the rescue.

The team then drove her to the animal shelter, where she was treated for her chronic mange, which had already formed big crusts on her hairless, emaciated body. The mange was so severe that it would have certainly killed her had she not been treated immediately.

The rescue team gave her a lovely name—Alice. And the kindhearted volunteers tended to her poor body at once, applying antibiotic creams to relieve her pain and to soften the hard crusts on her skin.

(Courtesy of <a href="">Animal Aid Unlimited, India</a>)
(Courtesy of Animal Aid Unlimited, India)

Day after day, while bathing her tenderly, they meticulously pulled off the crusts.

Whenever the rescuers cleaned and tended her, the look in Alice’s eyes would often be heart-wrenching, as if showing her gratefulness for all their tender love and care!

Animal Aid India’s rescue staff indeed did heart-melting work, providing unconditional care for Alice; Alice too proved herself to be a braveheart.

(Courtesy of <a href="">Animal Aid Unlimited, India</a>)
(Courtesy of Animal Aid Unlimited, India)

After six weeks of treatment, Alice was well again!

The beautiful dog was caught looking lovingly at the camera as if thanking her rescue team for their kindness.

(Courtesy of <a href="">Animal Aid Unlimited, India</a>)
(Courtesy of Animal Aid Unlimited, India)
Watch the heart-moving video to know how Alice was tended back to health! (WARNING: Graphic Images)
Epoch Inspired staff cover stories of hope that celebrate kindness, traditions, and triumph of the human spirit, offering valuable insights into life, culture, family and community, and nature.
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