Stray Cat That Was Near Death Ate Rubber to Survive, Gets Rescued in Dire Condition

Stray Cat That Was Near Death Ate Rubber to Survive, Gets Rescued in Dire Condition
(Courtesy of Holly Hedge Animal Sanctuary)

A starving stray cat that ate scrap rubber in desperation to survive has been given a second chance at life.

Felix, 6, was rushed to Holly Hedge Animal Sanctuary on Sept. 20 after rescuers located him wandering the streets of Bristol, South West England, weak, dehydrated, and weighing less than 2 kilograms (approx. 4 pounds).
“Felix was in a very bad way when he arrived at the sanctuary,” Holly Hedge fundraiser Hannah Goodwin-Sharman told Bristol Live. “He was vomiting up pieces of rubber which we think he had eaten because he was so desperately hungry.”
(Courtesy of <a href="">Holly Hedge Animal Sanctuary</a>)
(Courtesy of Holly Hedge Animal Sanctuary)

“He had a body score of one out of nine,” she continued, “and was so thin that he had a dent in his nose which is a sign that he had no fat reserves at all left in his body.”

Hannah states that if they hadn’t taken him in, “he would have died within a few hours.”

Holly Hedge had received a tip that Felix even had a sister, but the female stray couldn’t be found.

Felix was rushed to Vale Vets in Portishead, where he underwent immediate surgery. “[H]e not only had a stomach full of rubber, but also a hernia in his abdomen and his internal organs were in his chest cavity,” Holly Hedge explained in a Facebook post.
(Courtesy of <a href="">Holly Hedge Animal Sanctuary</a>)
(Courtesy of Holly Hedge Animal Sanctuary)

“This type of injury is often seen when cats are kicked in the stomach,” they continued, “so we believe poor Felix, who has no street smarts whatsoever, had approached someone thinking they might help him, and been kicked instead.”

The rubber pieces were removed from his stomach and vets then performed the daunting task of putting his organs back. Luckily, Felix survived the surgery against all odds.

He then went home with Hannah to recover from surgery. However, owing to the severity of his ordeal, things got worse before they got better. After 11 days of fostering, Felix developed breathing difficulties, and vets identified fluid around his lungs.

Felix’s breathing rate was then monitored closely over the next few days. Then a decision to take him to Langford Vet Surgery for further tests was made, and it was found that he had a dilated bile duct, anemia, and fluid in his abdomen.

It was later decided to not put Felix under further tests, and he was then back with the fundraiser.

(Courtesy of <a href="">Holly Hedge Animal Sanctuary</a>)
(Courtesy of Holly Hedge Animal Sanctuary)
Holly Hedge launched a JustGiving fundraiser in the hopes of covering Felix’s skyrocketing medical bills, determined to fund the deserving stray who lived on the streets for two months a second chance. They needed 5,400 pounds (US$7,134); with in-person fundraisers canceled owing to the pandemic, the shelter is struggling.

“[Felix] truly wants to live,” the team pleaded. “Please help us give him the best chance possible at a long and happy life.” At the time of writing, the fund has amassed 92 percent of its goal.

From a diet of rubber and near-certain death to a loving foster home with Hannah, Felix is getting stronger day by day. “He is the loveliest cat in the world,” Hannah told Bristol Live. “He taps me on the face when he wants food and a cuddle.”

Hannah also shared Felix’s progress via email with The Epoch Times. She has paid for Felix to see her own veterinarian, joking that she has warned her family not to expect any Christmas presents, and reported that the 6-year-old cat’s blood work is normal. Additionally, it is known that there is no longer any fluid around his lungs and it’s also decreasing near his abdomen.

“[I]t’s still hard to diagnose him,” she explained, “but it is most likely that he had a scrap with another cat and whilst living in terrible conditions has picked up a few nasty parasites.

“He is a little nervous of our [former stray] cat, Bobbo,” she admitted, “but he’s getting braver as he is learning that seeing Bobbo means he gets chicken!”

Best of all, Hannah revealed that she is considering keeping Felix.

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