Swedish MP: ‘It Is a Fantastic Performance’

‘It is a fantastic performance, very accurate, but also emotional.’
Swedish MP: ‘It Is a Fantastic Performance’
Member of Parliament Ms. Selin-Lindgren, with close acquaintances at the Shen Yun show in Stockholm on March 18, 2009. They love and support the show. (Lilly Wang/The Epoch Times)
<a><img src="https://www.theepochtimes.com/assets/uploads/2015/09/20090318_Stockholm2_Lilly_EvaSelin_WEB.JPG" alt="Member of Parliament Ms. Selin-Lindgren, with close acquaintances at the Shen Yun show in Stockholm on March 18, 2009. They love and support the show. (Lilly Wang/The Epoch Times)" title="Member of Parliament Ms. Selin-Lindgren, with close acquaintances at the Shen Yun show in Stockholm on March 18, 2009. They love and support the show. (Lilly Wang/The Epoch Times)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-1829507"/></a>
Member of Parliament Ms. Selin-Lindgren, with close acquaintances at the Shen Yun show in Stockholm on March 18, 2009. They love and support the show. (Lilly Wang/The Epoch Times)

STOCKHOLM, Sweden—Eva Selin-Lindgren, a member of the Swedish Parliament, attended the evening performance of the Shen Yun Performing Arts show on March 18 at the distinguished Cirkus Theater. The performance was received with enthusiastic ovations by the full-house audience.

“I feel like I am acquainted with Chinese music, so I understand it better and recognize what they want to say with the music. It is a fantastic performance, very accurate, but also emotional. Every movement is coordinated, and it shows that everyone can cooperate well,” she said.

Classical Chinese dance and the spiritual depth of the show appealed to her.

“It is very universal—the battle between good and evil. It is showing that we are all from the same origin, and it is very interesting and very beautiful. It is nice that they [Shen Yun] have this classical [Chinese] dance. … If I had been younger, I would have tried to learn this myself,” said Ms. Lindgren.

One of the dances in the show had to do with the Chinese scholar, Confucius. Ms. Selin-Lindgren had been acquainted with his teachings.

“I have read some of the old literature by Confucius before, and I think it is very nice,” said Ms. Selin-Lindgren.

Since the free expression of culture is forbidden by the communist rulers in China today, human rights become a natural subject when discussing Chinese culture. In one dance, in the show, Heaven Awaits us Despite Persecution, a family was persecuted for their belief in the traditional spiritual practice of Falun Gong. In the end, despite persecution, goodness prevails.

Ms. Selin-Lingren is an advocate of human rights. She chairs the parliamentary group of Women against Violence.

“We support people who are persecuted,” she said.

The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of the Shen Yun Performing Arts 2009 World Tour. For more information please visit ShenYunPerformingArts.org