State Trooper Sees Distraught Man About to Jump Off Bridge, Talks Him Down From Suicide, Consoles Him

State Trooper Sees Distraught Man About to Jump Off Bridge, Talks Him Down From Suicide, Consoles Him
(Courtesy of Massachusetts State Police)
Epoch Inspired Staff

A Massachusetts state trooper talked a man down from the Tobin Bridge after he threatened to jump and commit suicide last weekend.

On Saturday, June 4, at 12:04 p.m., state troopers and firefighters from Boston and Chelsea responded to a man who had scaled over the barrier of the bridge’s southbound upper deck and was contemplating jumping from the ledge.

Trooper Paul O’Connor, joined by Sergeant Peter Sennott and Trooper Randy Roach, made contact with and spoke to the man, the Massachusetts State Police stated, while the State Police Marine Unit responded on the Mystic River below the bridge.

Tobin Bridge. (Screenshot/<a href=",-71.0454032,3a,75.8y,256.58h,84.2t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1szF4CKTUzmEFBpJSVOHvhBw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192">Google Maps</a>)
Tobin Bridge. (Screenshot/Google Maps)
Tobin Bridge crossing the Mystic River in Boston. (Terry Hill/Shutterstock)
Tobin Bridge crossing the Mystic River in Boston. (Terry Hill/Shutterstock)
Shortly after 12:30, Trooper O’Connor had talked him into returning over the fence to the road side of the bridge. A photo posted on the Massachusetts Police Department’s Facebook page shows O'Connor consoling the distraught man until EMS arrived. He was taken to a Boston hospital for evaluation.

Sergeant Sennott, a Troop H patrol supervisor who is also a member of the Crisis Negotiation Unit, rode with him in the ambulance. Both Troopers O’Connor and Roach are assigned to the State Police Tunnels Barracks.

(Courtesy of <a href="">Massachusetts State Police</a>)
(Courtesy of Massachusetts State Police)

“We wish him recovery and a safe and healthy future,” the State Police stated. “If you or someone you know is thinking about suicide, please know that help is available.”

They encourage those having suicidal thoughts to call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255 or contact them at Help is available 24/7, and the service offers a dial prompt for the Veterans Crisis Line and a Spanish line as well.
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