Spotlight on Hot Drinks

Spotlight on Hot Drinks
While a high calorie, high sugar coffee isn't a big deal if it's an occasional treat, many people consume them daily. (Dreamstime/TNS)

A cup of coffee used to be just that, a cup of coffee. Maybe a drop or two of cream or a sprinkle of sugar was added in. These days a coffee drink is much closer to a gourmet milkshake than it is to its original form. Many are created with a base of milk or cream with several squirts of sugary syrup added in. Add to that a heavy dose of whipped cream and crushed cookies or candy and you’ve got a drink that is the nutritional equivalent to a slice of cake.

While a drink such as this isn’t a big deal if it’s an occasional treat, many people consume them daily, if not multiple times a day, as you might a more traditional cup of coffee. This can lead to consuming far more saturated fat, added sugar, and calories, than recommended in a healthy eating plan. Over time, they can impact one’s cardiovascular health as well as body weight and subsequently one’s risk of high blood pressure, diabetes, and more.

Banning these drinks entirely is not necessary but treating them more like a once in a while indulgence is a good idea. This way it’s a win-win. You still get to enjoy your favorite drinks and your health doesn’t get too much in the way of unnecessary extras.

Helpful hints: Here are few tips to keep in mind when needing a little warm up from a mug.

Size Sense: As with most things, moderation is key with these drinks. Consider the smallest size next time your order.
Dairy Decisions: For many of these drinks, the dairy choice has a significant impact on their calorie and saturated fat intake. If you have an option, choose non-fat or 1% low fat milk over 2% reduced fat or whole milk or cream.
Extras: While they certainly add to the fun, toppings like syrups and sprinkles can add a good deal of sugar to your drink. Try limiting or skipping them, at least most of the time.
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