Over 50 uniformed firefighters from California lined up outside City of Hope Orange County to surprise one of their own before his last chemotherapy treatment.
On June 20, in a moving display of brotherhood, firefighters from across Southern California—including Corona and Orange fire departments—lined the path to the cancer center, staging a “clap-in” for Corona Fire Battalion Chief Brandon Willson, who has been battling blood cancer for the last six months. The path was bordered with colorful balloons and people holding posters.

“Congratulations Brandon!” one poster read.
“HOPE FIRST,” read another sign.

Receiving the Cancer Diagnosis
Forty-two-year-old Chief Willson has been with the Corona Fire Department for over 17 years and is loved by his community in Corona and beyond.In January, Chief Willson was diagnosed with classical Hodgkin lymphoma, a highly curable type of lymphoma.

He began receiving treatment at City of Hope Orange County Lennar Foundation Cancer Center in Irvine, California—a National Cancer Institute-designated cancer center.
“Every staff member we have encountered throughout this journey has been wonderful, caring, and treated me with the utmost respect,” Chief Willson said.

According to Ms. Walker, the City of Hope Orange County considers celebrating their patients’ successes important, and thus the staff worked closely with Ms. Willson and Corona Fire Captain Eric Estes to organize the celebrations of Chief Willson’s milestone.
“This involved everything from planning the parking of the fire engines to coordinating Brandon’s arrival time,” Ms. Walker said.
For Dr. Tanya Siddiqi—a renowned hematologist-oncologist specializing in blood cancers at City of Hope Orange County—seeing her patients reach their last chemotherapy and achieve remission is “always an incredibly special moment.”

“Without the social support from your community, it can be rather isolating to go through treatment,” Dr. Siddiqi said. “The kind of support Chief Willson has surrounding him is just fantastic.
“As Brandon Wilson’s physician, it was heartwarming for me to hear that his colleagues wanted to orchestrate this surprise.”

Chief Willson’s inspirational celebration fittingly took place in the middle of June—National Cancer Survivors Month. The City of Hope Orange County hopes that his journey will serve as an inspiration to others who are battling cancer.

“Chief Willson is young and strong, and we expect to see him back to saving lives with the Corona Fire Department in no time,” Dr. Siddiqi said.