American-Made Outdoor Furniture
If you are looking for outdoor furniture, check out Berlin Gardens LLC in Berlin, Ohio. They make a wide variety of tables, chairs, pergolas, and gazebos out of high-density polyethylene (HDPE). It is a recycled plastic that will never need to be painted or stained. There are many colors, including many natural wood patterns. It will not rot or splinter, and it contains an added ultraviolet protective agent to resist fading. For more information and to find local dealers, check out, Healthier Potted Plants
Under the category of “I wish I had thought of that,” we have the Drain Away tray. We all use trays under our flowerpots. Sometimes, the tray stays filled with water, turning green with algae or attracting mosquitoes.If the tray stays filled with water, a few bad things can happen. The plant roots can stay too wet and rot. A clay flowerpot soaks up water and minerals, leaving unsightly stains. Mosquitoes can find enough water to hatch their eggs.
The Drain Away tray has a sloped floor that drains water to the PVC pipe fitting built into the back of the tray, which allows the water to drain via pipe to wherever will be better. You can’t overfill the pot, thus protecting your plants.
The pipe fitting is a standard 3/4-inch fitting. You can connect several trays together using flexible or ridged tubing. The drained water can be recycled into a reservoir to reduce waste. The trays can be used for indoor pots if the pot and tray are raised enough that the water has a place to drain into.
Smart Footwear
I have found the miracle solution to dirty floors—Muck Boots. Specifically, the Muckster II Ankle boot. This comfortable boot slips on and is easy to kick off when I come inside. I leave them by the back door, and I slip them on every time I am headed to the garden. They are waterproof and have a neoprene lining that is warm in cool weather and cool in the summer. An Airmesh lining gives the boots breathability that prevents them from collecting sweat during the summer. My feet stay dry even when I am working around the edge of my water garden.Make It Personal
Every garden is personal to the gardener. What better way to recognize this than a personalized sign for the garden? MyMetalWorks is an Etsy sign maker. They make sandblasted, powder-coated, steel signs personalized to the name of your gardener. There are a variety of embellishments that can be added to the sign, including hummingbirds, butterflies, and flowers.