Six-Year-Old ‘Warrior’ With Cystic Fibrosis Beats CCP Virus, Offers Hope to Others

Six-Year-Old ‘Warrior’ With Cystic Fibrosis Beats CCP Virus, Offers Hope to Others
(Courtesy of Sabrina Bostain)
A 6-year-old boy with cystic fibrosis, from Clarksville, Tennessee, is spreading hope and warming hearts after announcing that he has recovered from the CCP virus.
“I’m a cystic fibrosis warrior and I beat COVID-19,” Joseph Bostain said in a video uploaded to Facebook on April 1, 2020. The little fighter then grinned and flexed his right bicep for dramatic effect.

The heartwarming clip quickly went viral, amassing 41,000 views to date.

(Courtesy of <a href="">Sabrina Bostain</a>)
(Courtesy of Sabrina Bostain)

Joseph’s mother, Sabrina Bostain, first posted about her son’s sickness on March 19, 2020. Joseph was rushed to Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt after exhibiting some of the telltale symptoms of the infamous COVID-19 disease caused by the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus, commonly known as the novel coronavirus.

“Okay so I got the confirmed call from Vanderbilt today that Joseph is positive for COVID-19,” Sabrina wrote. “He has had fever and cough and is tired!”

“He is immune compromised from his cystic fibrosis,” Sabrina wrote, asking her followers for prayers and informing them that the family had been instructed to quarantine.

(Courtesy of <a href="">Sabrina Bostain</a>)
(Courtesy of Sabrina Bostain)
“We have wonderful care providers and most importantly we have a mighty God. Stay well and wash and sanitize, and please,” she added, “if u [sic] are sick, stay home and away from [the] elderly and those who you know are immune compromised!”
Sabrina kept friends, family, and followers informed of her son’s progress on social media. After being diagnosed, Joseph was quarantined for a total of 14 days at home, WVLT reported.

Joseph’s classmates at East Montgomery Elementary School in Clarksville paraded outside his house and left a collection of greetings cards and balloons for their friend to boost his morale.

“Oh my gracious,” Sabrina wrote on social media on March 23. “Thank you East Montgomery Elementary friends and family for your beautiful parade by our home for Joseph!”

“Thank u for the cards and balloons and the outpouring of love,” she added. “[Joseph] is reading his cards out loud and having a heartfelt moment!”

(Courtesy of <a href="">Sabrina Bostain</a>)
(Courtesy of Sabrina Bostain)

On March 23, Joseph experienced a surge in his symptoms but by the next day had beaten the fever and was feeling stronger.

Five days later, Sabrina posted online, “Every day is a better day. Joseph had a wonderful night’s sleep and [is] still fever free. Thank you God!”
Finally, on April 1, Sabrina revealed the good news. She wrote, “Today Joseph can tell you how he is doing himself!” The little braveheart did just that, exclaiming in his now-viral video message that he “beat COVID-19.”
Video courtesy of Sabrina Bostain

Joseph was initially at higher risk of complications arising from the virus than the general population because of his underlying health condition.

According to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, cystic fibrosis is a genetic disorder that affects the lungs, pancreas, and other organs of the body. It causes the body to produce thick mucus that can result in persistent lung infections and impaired breathing. Given his underlying physical limitations, Joseph’s amazing recovery is offering hope to others.

Joseph, who beat the virus against the odds in just two weeks, received numerous handmade cards, prayers, gifts, and heartfelt support from his local community, wishing him well as he recovered and eventually congratulating him for beating the virus.

On April 7, Sabrina posted on social media that her son was “doing wonderful!”

“He barely has a cough,” Sabrina wrote, “and is feeling good enough to do some homeschooling today [...] Five more days of quarantine and we will be good as new!”
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