VIENNA, Austria—Ms. Chivarova, a ballet dancer, was deeply touched and highly impressed with the Shen Yun Performing Arts Company’s opening performance in the Vienna Stadthalle (Town Hall) on April 5.
“I was truly impressed. Especially the costumes and the atmosphere that was emphasized by the music, [it] created a vibrant atmosphere. All positive influences came forth through the dances and everything was absolutely beautiful,” she said.
The Shen Yun orchestra combines Western and Chinese musical instruments to create unique and beautiful music. Currently, it is the world’s only orchestra that embraces both Western and Chinese instruments.
Shen Yun offered her an insight into the unique classical Chinese dance style. With an expert eye she could truly see the intricacies of the performances and understood the level of training that would be required to make each dance look so effortless.
Ms. Chivarova was deeply touched by the performance. “I found it very good, especially the atmosphere and the charisma. I liked it very much. It deeply touched me,” she said.
She was also very moved by the dances, Heaven Awaits us Despite Persecution and Dignity and Compassion about Falun Dafa, a spiritual discipline that is currently being persecuted by the Chinese communist regime. “Yes, it is not good at all what goes on in China. Yes, this touches one’s inner core when one sees it.”
Also what truly impressed Ms. Chivarova were the costumes. “I very much enjoyed the costumes [throughout the show], the fans [in Welcoming Spring] and the long sleeves [in Flowing Sleeves]. Everything was wonderful and beautiful to behold.”
The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of the Shen Yun Performing Arts 2009 World Tour. For more information please visit
Ballerina: ‘This touches one’s inner core’
“All positive influences came forth through the dances and everything was absolutely beautiful.”
By Huang Qin