Banker: ‘Erhu’ Is Like an Entire Orchestra

Retired banker, Mr. Millerai, enjoyed the disciplined precision of the dances.
Banker: ‘Erhu’ Is Like an Entire Orchestra
Mr. Millerai (L) and three friends at the Shen Yun performance (Huang Qin/The Epoch Times)
<a><img src="" alt="Mr. Millerai (L) and three friends at the Shen Yun performance (Huang Qin/The Epoch Times)" title="Mr. Millerai (L) and three friends at the Shen Yun performance (Huang Qin/The Epoch Times)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-1828993"/></a>
Mr. Millerai (L) and three friends at the Shen Yun performance (Huang Qin/The Epoch Times)

VIENNA, Austria—Enthusiastic audience members were more than happy to talk about their impressions of the Shen Yun Performing Arts show at the Vienna Stadthalle after the Sunday matinee on April 5.

Retired banker and descendant of a noble European family, Mr. Millerai, and his escorts, were quite taken by the dance scenes. Mr. Millerai shared that the disciplined precision of the dances was “absolutely marvelous.”

He also was quite impressed with the singers, although his ears are more accustomed to different tonal scales. He found the music to be “fantastic, especially the erhu [a two-stringed Chinese instrument], especially since this instrument could bring forth so many different melodies. In Europe we have the violin, but it does not elicit that many different tonal scales. It [the erhu] is just like the entire orchestra. It is an instrument that could represent an entire orchestra.”

When Mr. Millerai was told that Shen Yun would be in Vienna every year with different programs, he could only say that he would definitely visit next year’s show. His companions also echoed his words and said that they found everything to be wonderful.

They also loved the erhu.

“I must say I was totally fascinated by the erhu—especially because it can bring forth so many melodies with two strings, which is almost inconceivable,” said one of the ladies.

She added, “Such a show always comes deep from within the soul, and one feels if one truly has the talent, if one has the opportunity to use this gift, one has to take the opportunity under all circumstances. It is a present from the gods.”

She was as very taken with the Shen Yun dancers, “because everything worked in such great harmony, unbelievably graceful and at the same time displayed great power. Everyone danced very well.

She also found the live orchestra and the combination of Eastern and Western music absolutely wonderful.

“The child was also adorable,” she said.

The lady was referring to one special dance, Heaven Awaits Us Despite Persecution, which tells the story of a family, a mother, father, and daughter, torn apart when the father, a Falun Dafa practitioner, is taken away to be tortured by the Chinese police. The little girl she mentions plays the daughter.

“I must say that I’m totally thrilled. I will come to see the show again. Immediately. I am a full supporter of the show,” she said.

After the group found out that Shen Yun Performing Arts 2009 World Tour would be performing in the Czech Republic on April 11 and 12 and in Dresden, Germany, on April 14, they all felt that the opportunity to see it again in the near future was something to look forward to.

“It was beautiful. I am totally enthralled by it. I immersed myself into the show. I felt as if I were on stage with the artists. I only wished that I could dance as gracefully as the artists, and that one can feel that it comes from within. This is a wish that comes from my heart. I always wanted to be a dancer. But, I could never achieve what the wonderful men and woman on stage [today] have shown us,” said another of the ladies.

Today, she said, “I have experienced perfection.”

Read this article in German

The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of the Shen Yun Performing Arts 2009 World Tour. For more information please visit