Chilean Audience Delighted By Shen Yun

“Wonderful! I enjoyed it very much. I am a great admirer of the Chinese traditions...too special, you should not miss it!”
Chilean Audience Delighted By Shen Yun
Business owner Mrs. Acuna (Axel Borgia/The Epoch Times)
<a href=""><img src="" alt="Business owner Mrs. Acuna (Axel Borgia/The Epoch Times)" title="Business owner Mrs. Acuna (Axel Borgia/The Epoch Times)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-89163"/></a>
Business owner Mrs. Acuna (Axel Borgia/The Epoch Times)
SANTIAGO, Chile—A packed Teletón Theater was the first to host the world-class Shen Yun Performing Arts in Chile, despite a truly cold evening.

The audience was amazed to have in Santiago a show about China’s 5,000-year history from past to present and its true traditional culture through dance, song, and music.

Ms. Sodan, director of an advertisement company, was very happy to have bought tickets for the show. She felt that the artists performed as promised in the advertisements seen throughout town.

“Enchanting! I find there is much to learn from the Chinese culture. It is admirable. It is very delicate. I liked very much seeing the different passages and different Chinese regions,” Ms. Sodan said excitedly.

“I liked the spring [Welcoming Spring] and the drums of the Tang dynasty [Drummers of the Tang Court],“ she said with a smile. “The spring because of the colors and the fineness, and the drums because of the strength and because it is related to battle. I liked it very much.”

Ms. Sodan’s companion was equally impressed with the show: “I see there is a message in all the choreography. They are details, subtle, like the culture, respect, giving relevance to history, and traditions.”

He could not find enough words to describe how much he enjoyed the show. “Yes, absolutely! Besides the colors, it is beautiful, happy. It is as is it were designed to be enjoyed and to give surprise.”

Ms. Sodan added, “I’m glad there was a soprano, a tenor, and those interludes of songs, which seem to me to be of the traditional Chinese [culture] as they are very connected to its values. I would recommend it, definitely. Come to learn about this culture from so far away and different from ours, but so rich.”

“I liked the values of mother and her son who had to go to war. He had to be loyal to his country. They have very strong values that we have lost, or we have them less solidly, perhaps,” she said.

Her companion said, “I find it interesting that everything is like one body. Although in the program there are main dancers, there is a totality, like an acting community giving to the arts.”

‘Preserve All Our Traditions’

Ms. Poblete, a publicity agent in the advertisement industry, thought that no one should miss a show that brings such beauty from such a far-away country.
“Wonderful, wonderful! I have enjoyed it very much, very much. I am a great admirer of the Chinese traditions. I believe that they are too special and too wonderful and by anything in the world, you should not miss it!” she said.
She learned an important truth from the show: “One should preserve all our traditions and all our values, independent of the thought of the people because they should not be erased with the stroke of a pen. It is a very rich culture, and also wise. We have a lot to learn from it. That is what I felt.”

“I found it wonderful! Spectacular! The one of the Spring [Welcoming Spring] I found it precious. I liked everything, but the one of the spring and the one of the fans and the drums, the tenors—in truth, I found it spectacular! And I get emotional because I feel that those values have to be [preserved], absolutely and for the following generations.”

She recalled the act that touched her the most was a depiction of the darker side of modern-day China. “The one that impressed me the most, [was] the one of this man who is persecuted for being a Falun Dafa practitioner. The violence impressed me a lot. I do not forget what is happening now in China. ... Everything that is related to the physical and mental violence is immoral. That was what impacted me the most.”

‘It charmed us’

<a href=""><img src="" alt="Mr. Pinder and his wife at Sunday's performance. (The Epoch Times)" title="Mr. Pinder and his wife at Sunday's performance. (The Epoch Times)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-89164"/></a>
Mr. Pinder and his wife at Sunday's performance. (The Epoch Times)
Mr. Pinder and his wife, employed in the software and hardware industry and involved in data processing, shared their impressions of the show: “Special! It is an example of the Chinese life in a folkloric way and contemporary, from the field to the city, [with] a lot of colors. Very good! Very beautiful!”

“The spring is beautiful, the colors, the dancers, the drums. … They maintain very well the rhythm of the presentation, the poetic things—the very delicate female dancers, the male dancers [with] a lot of force, very strong. Amazing!”

Both agreed that no one should miss the show: “Yes, of course, it is fantastic [and] should be seen everywhere. It is very delicate, very deep mentally and spiritually and more significant than the Western things. It charmed us.”

The Epoch Times’ media partner, SOH, contributed to this article

Shen Yun Performing Arts has three upcoming shows in Cordoba, Argentina, from July 16 to 18, after which the company will perform in Westchester, New York, for one night only, on August 2.

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