Robert Irwin Posts Funny Photo Series After His Baby Niece ‘Takes Over the Selfie’

Robert Irwin Posts Funny Photo Series After His Baby Niece ‘Takes Over the Selfie’
(Courtesy of Robert Irwin's Instagram via Australia Zoo)

In a series of funny photos, baby Grace Warrior, the newest member of the renowned Irwin family, can be seen grabbing the phone as her doting uncle, Robert Irwin, snaps pictures of the pair together.

Robert, 17, shared the adorable series on Instagram on Nov. 12, writing: “When Grace takes over the selfie!”

The sweet photos show 7-month-old Grace, entranced by the camera, relaxing with her uncle on a sofa. The post has over 360,000 likes and counting.

(Courtesy of <a href="">Robert Irwin's Instagram</a> via <a href="">Australia Zoo</a>)
(Courtesy of Robert Irwin's Instagram via Australia Zoo)
(Courtesy of <a href="">Robert Irwin's Instagram</a> via <a href="">Australia Zoo</a>)
(Courtesy of Robert Irwin's Instagram via Australia Zoo)

Baby Grace was born to parents Bindi Irwin, 23, and her husband, Chandler Powell, 25, on March 25. Robert has been excited about the newest edition to the family since the beginning and loves to show off fun times with his niece on social media.

Loving his new role as uncle, Robert, the budding photographer, recently posted a beaming selfie from an Oct. 29 adventure, captioned, “More adventures with Grace Warrior—luckiest uncle ever!” Wrapped in a woolly sweater, bobble hat, and a big cuddle from her uncle, Grace is pictured smiling from ear to ear.
A few days later, Robert also posted pictures of Grace on a family trip to Tasmania in October.
Robert Irwin and baby Grace Warrior. (Courtesy of <a href="">Robert Irwin's Instagram</a> via <a href="">Australia Zoo</a>)
Robert Irwin and baby Grace Warrior. (Courtesy of Robert Irwin's Instagram via Australia Zoo)

The baby girl’s arrival has prompted the already-tight-knit Irwin family—who run the Australia Zoo together, the late Steve Irwin’s wildlife conservation legacy—to spread even more of their love to family, friends, and fans on social media.

In lieu of International Day of the Girl Child, on Oct. 11, Grace’s grandmother and Bindi’s mom, Terri Irwin, posted a tribute to Bindi, Grace, and girls everywhere in a touching Twitter post.

“Girls deserve equality, education, opportunity, and hope for the future,” she posted. “Girls should grow up to achieve their goals and become leaders in their chosen fields. We must let a girl’s light shine and imbue her with strength, optimism, and power. Always.”

Accompanying Terri’s post was a sweet portrait of a smiling Bindi holding Grace, while both mom and daughter look off into the distance.

Baby Grace Warrior with her family. (Courtesy of <a href="">Robert Irwin's Instagram</a> via <a href="">Australia Zoo</a>)
Baby Grace Warrior with her family. (Courtesy of Robert Irwin's Instagram via Australia Zoo)
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