RIND Snacks: The Whole Fruit, and Nothing But the Fruit

RIND Snacks: The Whole Fruit, and Nothing But the Fruit
RIND's skin-on dried superfruit snacks come in three colorful varieties. Courtesy of RIND Snacks
Crystal Shi

According to RIND, we’ve been doing dried fruit all wrong. The New York-based company recently launched a line of dried superfruit snacks that keep the skin—a powerhouse part that too often goes to waste.

“The greatest concentration of vital nutrition is contained in the one part of fruit most often discarded,” founder Matt Weiss said via email. More fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants are packed into the peel than anywhere else, making RIND’s skin-on snacks a nutritional cut above the rest.

Whole, non-GMO fruits are sourced from small family farms in the Central Valley of California; cut into slices, rinds and all; and sun-dried into chewy bits of concentrated fruity goodness. No sugar or preservatives are added.

There’s another bonus to skin-on fruits, too: they make for more responsible snacking, reducing unnecessary food waste.

The snack packs come in three varieties: Tropical Blend, with slices of bittersweet orange, pineapple, and kiwi; and Orchard Blend, with sweet persimmon, tart apple, and tangy peach; and Tangy Kiwi.

Available in select specialty stores in New York City, and online at RindSnacks.com and Amazon. Pack of three for $17.99.
Crystal Shi
Crystal Shi
Home and Food Editor
Crystal Shi is the home and food editor for The Epoch Times. She is a journalist based in New York City.