Recipe: Vegan Sushi Rolls

To make a vegan sushi roll you can use toasted nori sheets. They don’t need to be warmed up or anything, you just lay them on a cutting board to fill them up. Each nori sheet has only 10 calories so you can make two of them per person with a lot of filling.
Recipe: Vegan Sushi Rolls
(Courtesy of Carrie On Living)

To make a vegan sushi roll you can use toasted nori sheets. They don’t need to be warmed up or anything, you just lay them on a cutting board to fill them up. Each nori sheet has only 10 calories so you can make two of them per person with a lot of filling. But, what do you fill them with, you might ask? Since I strive to be an uber-healthy vegan, I decided to make mine “California-style” with tons of shredded veggies, hummus, bell pepper, onion, and avocado. Some sliced red bell pepper, red onion, and avocado makes it even tastier. 

(Courtesy of Carrie on Living)


4 toasted nori sheets

1/2 cup hummus

1 red bell pepper, sliced

1 cup shredded carrots and cabbage

2 tablespoons minced red onion

1 medium avocado


1. Place the nori sheets on a flat surface for filling.

(Courtesy of Carrie on Living)

 2.Slather the hummus on each sheet, topped with bell pepper, shredded vegetables, onion, and avocado.

3. Roll each sheet into a burrito and use a sharp knife to slice each roll in half. Serve cold.

This article was originally published on Carrie on Living. Read the original here

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