What started out as a police call for a shoplifter at an Arlington, Texas, TJ Maxx shopping outlet ended with an officer rescuing two stray kittens. The icing on the cake followed later with a very special adoption.
Arlington Police Department officers Adkins and Hilliard were on their way out of the TJ Maxx parking lot when the store manager revealed a secondary need for the officers’ assistance. There were two tiny kittens stuck beneath a customer’s vehicle in the lot, they said.

Officer Joe Bob Adkins crawled under the car and retrieved two tiny bundles of fur. Photos posted to social media depict the besotted officer and the two equally besotted kittens snuggling up in the front seat of the squad car, the kittens nestling into Officer Adkins’s shirt for comfort.
After making the most of the adorable photo opportunity, the two officers rushed the kittens to the nearest veterinary clinic. The siblings were declared to be in good health.

Being only around 6 weeks of age, the growing kittens were ravenously hungry for food. Officers Adkins and Hilliard were invited to bottle-feed the kittens with kitten formula themselves.
The big-hearted officer, after being the one to lift the kittens to safety from their dangerous hiding place under a car in a TJ Maxx parking lot, had fallen in love. Adkins officially adopted the kittens.

“That little kitty looks really comfortable on your shoulder,” they continued. “Thanks so much for saving them. God bless.”
“Awwww it’s nice to see the softer side of police officers every now and then,” added another supporter.

“Here’s two of the good guys: Officers Adkins and Hilliard,” praised another fan of the officers’ work. “Thanks, gentlemen. (That is a direct quote from the kittens. They’re very grateful.)”
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