A picture of two black bears embracing each other on a road in the rural municipality of Armstrong, near Thunder Bay in northwest Ontario, Canada, has warmed social media users’ hearts.

Officers from the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) were on a foot patrol and were returning to their cruisers when they witnessed two bears standing on their hind legs sharing a hearty hug and having a little moment of theirs. One of the officers from the department immediately snapped some images of this once-in-a-lifetime moment.
The tweet further read, “Northern policing is one of the greatest experiences.”

The rare moment captured the bears not only hugging each other but also walking down the dirt road arm in arm. Alluding to the special moment, a member of the OPP department told The Epoch Times via a Facebook message that the officers encounter bears every day. However, they explained that “these ones were definitely special. You don’t see this everyday.”

One social media user wrote, “They kinda remind me of two old church ladies hugging and kissing after the service.”
Whilst another chimed in, writing, “Aww ... what great pictures! Looks like an old romantic couple out for a walk!”
Meanwhile, a third one joked about them getting arrested, adding: “I think this was the photos before they were arrested for joy riding in police vehicles, 1st photo celebrating the get away 2nd photo talking about how they took the corner at high speeds, 3rd photo laughing about how they will never get caught in the woods. In the end Constable Nicole has them in custody.”
Some of them even quipped about the bears’ disregard for observing social distancing guidelines amid the ongoing pandemic.
Regardless of what antics these bears were up to, the thing that remains certain is that everyone left the scene safe and sound.