Poet Employs His Craft to Describe Unique Cultural Show

Overcome with emotion, poet Tae-Hyun Yoon writes down ten poems upon watching Divine Performing Arts.
Poet Employs His Craft to Describe Unique Cultural Show
Poet Tae-Hyun Yoon The Epoch Times
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Poet Tae-Hyun Yoon  (The Epoch Times)

SEOUL, South Korea—After seeing the Divine Performing Arts (DPA) show in Seoul on Feb. 4, poet Tae-Hyun Yoon was so overcome with emotion that he was unable speak. Instead, when a reporter asked for his impression of the show, he wordlessly handed him a poem he had written.

He came again for the last show on Feb. 8, and at the end wrote nine more poems to express his gratitude to DPA for bringing the performance to Korea.

Mr. Yoon’s friends, who attend the show with him, said the poet is committed to doing good deeds and donates 12 million Won (about $8,600) per month to help homeless people in Seoul. His friends also said Mr. Yoon has won a prestigious award for literature.

Here are the poems describing Mr. Yoon’s DPA experience.


The performances were
Poetry in motion
Tao itself.
Tao reincarnated
No medicine’s so healing
No art could describe
Things Chinese better
Absolutely amazing
Just perfect.

By Tae Hyun Yoon
February 4, 2009


Spectacular, Infinite, O, the World of Falun

Thunderous drums
Under dazzling illumination.
The sound, tumultuous, overpowers the soul,
Marking a new century,
The century of the Far East.


China, the cradle of human civilization,
The greatest of all cultures,
Five thousand years, not a long time
An eye-blink against eternity.
In that instant, though,
A quantum jump China made.

Like all others,
Less than perfect is the way China goes.
Making lots of casualties,
Trampling the Free Soul down,
Mercilessly exploiting the needy
Falun Dafa is just one o' them.


Don’t be angry, my friends.
Pause for a moment and think:
Who can stop the Majestic Flow of History?
No. Nothing can do it.
Then, my friends, rest your soul assured that:
Just around the corner is the Liberation.


Then the singers-male and female
Pop up in spotlight
The voices, unearthly, heavenly, rather
Breathes peace, tranquility
Instead of anger
Instead of sadness.
Healing voices, accompanied
By piano buoyant as songbirds,
Splendid like blossoms
Creating perfect harmony,
Perfect unison, O, the World of Falun.


The poet of poets from the Tang Dynasty
Unrivaled by any other poet
With the probable exception of Tufo.
At any point since time and space came into being
Lies, drunken, full of poetic imagination.
Every word coming from his mouth
Music. Music. Music.
The poet Li Bai,
That name speaks of itself.


Life is the sea of troubles.
So goes the teachings of the Buddha.
Stop, my friends, for a moment
And think of it.
Where’s the line between Misery and Blessing?
If all are mortals
Nothing exists forever.
Life and death, then, are no two different things.
Neither are Being and Nihility.
Then, my friends, ask your self,
Who is ‘I’? Who is ‘Thou’?


At the End of the Reincarnation,
The poet sees the seeds of Hope,
Hope of freedom from
The chains of causality
No greater solace than
The Awakening that:
There is an End to All.
And that End is the Beginning.


The Awakening, that makes us free at last,
Tormenting the soul, Free from everything.
Plus you have music
The Eternal Savior
So said Fridrich Goethe
And all other peace-loving souls.


The curtain’s down
Applause, Applause, Applause.
And silence
Silence. Peace. Tranquility.
That’s where the Wheel of the Truth goes.
And nothing can stop the Wheel of the Truth.

By Tae Hyun Yoon
February 8, 2009

The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of the Divine Performing Arts 2009 World Tour. Please see www.DivinePerformingArts.org for more information.