This owl is no Hoot-dini as he attempts to hide behind a rock but is clearly not succeeding in staying unseen.
The little owl’s bright yellow eyes are quite visible peering over a rock on Holcombe Moor, Lancashire, in northwestern England.
Martin Loftus, 39, who lives in Bury, Greater Manchester, recalls feeling like he was being “watched” before he spotted the owl’s head.

“The owls are so inconspicuous that they just sit there on the rock faces most of the time totally invisible to 99 percent of people who pass through,” said Loftus, who is a postman by trade.
“I had a strange feeling I was being watched.
“I scanned the rocks with my binoculars and noticed two tiny eyes peering at me from over a boulder.
“I knew instantly what it was and I actually laughed out loud at just how comical it looked and just how bad it was at hiding from me.
“I took the photo and it slowly disappeared back behind the boulder and disappeared.”