Moving Photo of Peruvian Boy, 6, Praying on His Knees for End to the Pandemic Goes Viral

Moving Photo of Peruvian Boy, 6, Praying on His Knees for End to the Pandemic Goes Viral
Illustration - Leila Ablyazova/Shutterstock

A touching moment of a 6-year-old Peruvian boy kneeling and praying on an empty street for an end to the global pandemic has warmed the hearts of thousands. A neighbor caught the little boy’s touching act of faith on camera and shared it on social media.

Claudia Alejandra Mora Abanto captured the now-viral photo on Junín Street in Guadalupe, Peru, and shared it on social media from the boy and his parents’ permission. In the captivating image, the child’s sincerity is laid bare as he kneels with palms pressed together, his eyes squeezed shut in concentration, and a surgical mask on his face.

On April 13, 2020, Abanto took to Facebook to share her image that has since received over 1,000 shares, stating that she had captured the shot the very same evening.

“I tell you the story of this photo I took a few hours ago,” Abanto began. “Today in the neighborhood we come together to pray and ask God for the emergency situation we are experiencing, so as to share hope and faith.”

According to Peru’s RPP News, the little boy was identified as 6-year-old Alen Castañeda Zelada. In exiting his home to pray for an end to the CCP virus, Zelada unwittingly became a symbol of hope, both in his community and for social media users around the world.
Calle Junín in the city of Guadalupe, La Libertad, Peru (Screenshot/<a href=",-79.4713242,3a,75y,205.15h,94.55t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1swS18wv-SfXDlL2EJVaVQTA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656">Google Maps</a>)
Calle Junín in the city of Guadalupe, La Libertad, Peru Screenshot/Google Maps
Abanto explained on Facebook that she had intended to capture photos of the candles set out by her neighbors but was pleasantly surprised when she saw Zelada taking a moment to kneel in reverence on the street. “[T]aking advantage of his concentration,” Abanto said, “I took the picture.”

The photographer asked the little boy why he was praying, and the boy revealed that he had “asked God alone for a wish.” He had walked out onto the street to escape the noise inside his home, fearing his wish would not be heard above the ruckus.

“I was left with a smile on my face,” said Abanto, “but above all delighted to witness the love and trust of that child to God. How beautiful that is instilled in them, even in difficult times. May faith never die.”

Homeless wait upon arriving at a shelter set up at the bicentennial Acho Bullring in Lima for the duration of the CCP virus on March 31, 2020. (CRIS BOURONCLE/AFP via Getty Images)
Homeless wait upon arriving at a shelter set up at the bicentennial Acho Bullring in Lima for the duration of the CCP virus on March 31, 2020. CRIS BOURONCLE/AFP via Getty Images

On March 15, Peru went on lockdown under the instruction of President Martín Vizcarra due to the rising number of cases of the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus, commonly known as the novel coronavirus. A curfew and travel ban was placed, with immediate effect, the very same evening at midnight.

Senator Gilbert Alonzo Fernandez spoke to Forbes and explained that the lockdown would continue for as long as necessary. “I am sure that Peru will outlast this crisis,” he said. “We Peruvian are specialists on confronting crises like this and coming out victorious.”
As reported by RPP News, Zelada later responded to his overnight viral fame. He explained that he had been praying to God to ask Him to take care of all people that have contracted the potentially deadly virus.

“I am asking that no one leave,” the little boy told the Peruvian news outlet, “many great people are dying with this disease.”

(Illustration - SewCream/Shutterstock)
Illustration - SewCream/Shutterstock

The boy’s father, Abraham Castañeda Malca, said that he and his entire family, who are devout Catholics, were nonetheless surprised by Zelada’s sincere devotion. He said, “[I]imagine with so many things that are happening in this world; the pandemic and seeing so many people dying...”

“My son is a little boy of six years and I didn’t think [he] was going to react like this,” Malca continued, “it has been surprising for all of us.”

Zelada, his father, and their tight-knit Junín Street neighbors organize a chain of prayer every single night at 8 p.m., hoping and praying collectively for an end to the global pandemic.