Mom With Tired, Brittle Hair Gets New Look From ‘The Makeover Guy’–and Jaws Hit the Floor

Mom With Tired, Brittle Hair Gets New Look From ‘The Makeover Guy’–and Jaws Hit the Floor
(Courtesy of MAKEOVERGUY)

Kelly, a grandmother from Iron Mountain, Michigan, had lost confidence in her personal style and had all but given up on her tired, brittle hair. She sought out the expert guidance of makeover guru Christopher Hopkins, also known as “The Makeover Guy,” and the results were out of this world.

After the transformation, Kelly’s family barely recognized her.

(Courtesy of <a href="">MAKEOVERGUY</a>)
(Courtesy of MAKEOVERGUY)
“It’s time to do something that’s just for me,” Kelly tells the Makeover Guy’s studio cameras in footage shared on YouTube. “Hopefully this is going to be the ticket!”

“Hold your breath,” Kelly jokes, as she releases her wiry medium-length hair from her scrunchie. Years of home-dyeing and heat treatment rendered Kelly’s hair dry, frizzy, and unmanageable; the grandmother, who otherwise looks fantastic for her age but has simply lost her sparkle, is ready for a change.

(Courtesy of <a href="">MAKEOVERGUY</a>)
(Courtesy of MAKEOVERGUY)

Kelly gives Hopkins the green light—“Whatever you want to do,” she says—and the style beauty overhaul begins.

Hopkins gives his client a layered bouncy bob with soft waves and honey-blonde highlights. Kelly had initially described her hair as “pin straight,” yet Hopkins shows her how to tease out a beautiful natural wave with minimal effort.

Soft peach-pink makeup complements Kelly’s lighter hair color, and a black winged eyeliner with delicate lashes lifts her eyes, taking years off her age. An elegant white-and-blue blouse completes Kelly’s final look.

(Courtesy of <a href="">MAKEOVERGUY</a>)
(Courtesy of MAKEOVERGUY)

Next, it is time for the big reveal.

Hopkins’s studio camera footage shows Kelly reviewing her new look for the very first time. For a few seconds, Kelly remains speechless before letting out a long emphatic exclamation: “Wow!”

The crew laugh in the background while Kelly, delighted, performs a happy dance for the cameras. “I feel gorgeous,” she says. “It’s not pretty, it’s frickin' gorgeous!”

(Courtesy of <a href="">MAKEOVERGUY</a>)
(Courtesy of MAKEOVERGUY)

Before long, Kelly’s family arrives and jaws hit the floor, as each member of the family sees their expertly made-over matriarch in a new light. Compliments flow, and Kelly enjoys her well-deserved moment in the spotlight.

Christopher Hopkins is a stylist, author, singer, and daytime TV veteran who has specialized in epic beauty transformations since the early 1990s. Today, he owns and runs Makeover Guy Appearance Studios in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
(Courtesy of <a href="">MAKEOVERGUY</a>)
(Courtesy of MAKEOVERGUY)
Hopkins’s footage of Kelly’s makeover amassed almost 1 million views since its premiere on YouTube in May 2019. Hundreds of netizens have left comments in support of Hopkins’s mission to empower older women to get their groove back.

“Well that’s how to shed 20 years in one day,” wrote one netizen. “She’s got a wonderful personality and now her outside matches the inside! Beautiful, spunky, and funny!”

“Loved her family’s reaction. Priceless,” commented another. “It really is such a beautiful thing you do for these ladies.”

(Screenshot/<a href="">Facebook</a>)

Kelly’s daughter, Jessica, even added her own comment to the conversation. “This is my mom and it was so incredible to see her transform,” she wrote. “Christopher, you’re so wonderful inside and out! Thank you to you and your glam team!”

The Makeover Guy is renowned for his radical style overhauls, empowering women to reclaim not only their looks but their inner confidence, too. Hopkins’s talent is so sought after that the stylist even penned a book specifically for his female audience, titled “Staging Your Comeback: A Complete Beauty Revival for Women Over 45.”
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