Mom Gives Birth to Rare Twins With Different Skin Colors, One Black and One White

Mom Gives Birth to Rare Twins With Different Skin Colors, One Black and One White

A mother who gave birth to twins has no problem telling them apart because they were born with different skin colors—one black and one white.

Daniel and David Omirin were born just minutes apart but look really different and not much like brothers.

Daniel (L) and David Omirin (R) were born just minutes apart but have different skin colors. (SWNS)
Daniel (L) and David Omirin (R) were born just minutes apart but have different skin colors. (SWNS)

Despite parents Stacy, 30, and Babajide, 38, being black, baby David has pale white skin and golden hair.

Daniel has black skin and dark curly hair—just like his parents and 4-year-old sister, Demilade.

The reason David has a different skin color is because he has albinism, a condition in which the skin and hair lack pigmentation due to a congenital absence of melanin.

However, both the twins have beautiful brown eyes that attract everyone’s attention once they go outside in Lagos, Nigeria.

Their mother, Stacy, who is a clothes designer, said the pair are treated like celebrities whilst out and about and people often question whether both kids are hers.

To this, she said: “I have to answer questions all the time when we are out.

“People say ‘excuse me madam, which one of the kids is yours?’

“I just say both of them are mine and people look at me as if I am joking.”


She further continued: “But I was surprised too when they were born, even as their mom.

“When the doctor told me my kids are not identical I didn’t know what to expect.

“But then I saw they had different color hair and skin and I couldn’t believe it, so I’m not surprised other people are shocked too.”

Daniel and his fair-skinned brother, David, were born on Feb. 26, 2019, in Lagos, Nigeria.

Mother of three Stacy delivered the twins by C-section and recalled the moment she first clapped eyes on her unique babies.

She was completely unaware that they had different skin colors until they were born.

She said: “It was a massive surprise.”

“Daniel came first, and then the nurse said the second baby has golden hair.

“I thought how can this be possible. I looked down and saw David, he was completely white.

“I called my husband in so he could see what we had here. I didn’t understand.

“He couldn’t believe what he saw either. They are so adorable and it felt like we had been given a miracle.

“In Nigeria, I have never seen a thing like this. To be honest I have never seen anything like this before in twins.

“They do look like brothers but their hair and skin are just completely different.”

The twins with their mother, Stacy, and sister, Demilade. (SWNS)
The twins with their mother, Stacy, and sister, Demilade. (SWNS)

Stacy said nurses and doctors flocked to her bedside to take photos of the newborns. Many medical professionals had “never seen anything like it,” she said.

David was born with a condition called oculocutaneous albinism, which affects one in 20,000 births each year. There are no figures available for how many sets of twins are born where only one has albinism, although other cases have been reported in The Netherlands and Mozambique.

Stacy and the twins were discharged from the hospital four days after the kids were born.

When Stacy introduced the babies to friends and family for the first time—their instant reaction was “wow.”

Stacy said: “The family think [sic] they are wonderful and they are very popular in our family.
“They are so beautiful and cute and to all of us [sic] they are adorable.”

Stacy believes she is “blessed” to be the mother of Daniel and David who despite their obvious visual differences have matching playful personalities. The twins are the best of friends and love to dance with their dad, Babajide, who works at a printing firm.

Alluding to when they go out and people ask her questions, Stacy said: “I have never had any negative comments and I am not scared of what people think.

“It feels great to me to be their mom. It doesn’t matter to me what color their skin is because they are my babies.

“All that matters is that I have my boys.”

Incidences of oculocutaneous albinism are rare in African countries, and Stacy believes David could be one of the only albino babies in Lagos. She has also recalled times when women have told her they will “pray” at night, hoping to one day give birth to twins like Daniel and David.


“To meet babies like Daniel and David is not common here,” said Stacy.

“They are special to everyone and I love them.

“It feels special to be their mother because they are a special kind of twins.

“I believe I am blessed and I am so proud of them.”

Stacy also added how she was recently contacted by a UK-based modeling agency that has got in touch regarding potential photoshoots. Plans are at an early stage, but a possible trip to England has already been discussed, she said.


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