Mischievous Dog Steals Bride’s Veil by Leaping Through It During a Wedding Photoshoot

Mischievous Dog Steals Bride’s Veil by Leaping Through It During a Wedding Photoshoot
(Courtesy of Fanny Producciones Oficial)

A wedding photographer’s dog stole the show during a photoshoot when he leaped through the bride’s billowing veil, bounding away with the delicate fabric and becoming a “runaway bride.”

Photographer Estefanny Corilla Chinchay was doing a wedding photo shoot on June 15 at an ecological park in Pampas, Peru, with her general producer, Raúl Corilla Barreto, when an uninvited guest showed up: Ms. Chinchay’s dog, Oso.

The photographer was about to snap a spectacular photo of the bride and her billowing veil when Oso rushed in, leaping into the veil and running away with it stuck to his head, flowing in the breeze behind him.

Oso interrupts a wedding photo shoot and runs away with the bride's veil. (Courtesy of <a href="https://www.facebook.com/fannyproduccionesperu/">Fanny Producciones Oficial</a>)
Oso interrupts a wedding photo shoot and runs away with the bride's veil. (Courtesy of Fanny Producciones Oficial)

“We felt surprised and nervous to see the reaction of the bride, who was left without the veil,” Ms. Chinchay told The Epoch Times.

Luckily, everyone saw the humorous side of the event and Ms. Chinchay claimed the moment has become “a beautiful memory to tell, both for the couple and for Fanny Producciones Oficial,” her photography company.

Oso the dog. (Courtesy of <a href="https://www.facebook.com/fannyproduccionesperu/">Fanny Producciones Oficial</a>)
Oso the dog. (Courtesy of Fanny Producciones Oficial)
She later shared a clip of the moment on social media where it went viral amassing comments from social media users.

“Dog: You were in my way and I don’t stop for anyone!” one netizen commented. “Please tell me they all burst out laughing after this,” wrote another.

Ms. Chinchay with Oso. (Courtesy of <a href="https://www.facebook.com/fannyproduccionesperu/">Fanny Producciones Oficial</a>)
Ms. Chinchay with Oso. (Courtesy of Fanny Producciones Oficial)
(Courtesy of <a href="https://www.facebook.com/fannyproduccionesperu/">Fanny Producciones Oficial</a>)
(Courtesy of Fanny Producciones Oficial)
The photographer told The Dodo that her colleagues were able to retrieve the veil and return it to the bride. Oso was rounded up and put in a safe place, and the photo shoot continued.

“He looked very funny. This is another one of many memorable instances we’ve had with him,” Ms. Chinchay said.

Oso, who is going to turn a year old according to his owner, is a very restless and happy dog.

Watch the video:

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