‘Miracle Pup’ Helps Save 86-Year-Old Navy Veteran’s Life After He Suffered a Stroke

‘Miracle Pup’ Helps Save 86-Year-Old Navy Veteran’s Life After He Suffered a Stroke
(Illustration - spiro/Shutterstock)

A Navy veteran suffered a stroke in his own home and has lived to tell the tale all thanks to his faithful pet, a Chihuahua named Bubu.

North Carolina veteran Rudy Armstrong lives alone on a self-built houseboat in Oriental, a town in North Carolina’s Pamlico County. When Armstrong fell sick, reports WCTI, the little dog recognized her owner’s need for assistance and ran to a nearby dockmaster to beg for help.
(Illustration - <a href="https://pixabay.com/photos/dog-chihuahua-pet-canine-breed-458223/">mikefoster</a>/Pixabay)
(Illustration - mikefoster/Pixabay)

Bubu led the dockmaster, named Kim, to the houseboat; and he immediately called 911. First responders arrived shortly thereafter and escorted the 86-year-old to hospital, saving his life.

“I sat down in my chair, drank my coffee, and the next thing I know it was after lunch,” Armstrong explained, recalling the disorienting experience. “I couldn’t even get my hand to move and my foot wouldn’t move.

“I didn’t want to be there for a couple of days before somebody would come by,” he continued. Unable to reach his telephone to call for help, Armstrong instructed his little dog to get him some help.

The loyal Chihuahua obliged.

CarolinaEast Medical Center in New Bern, North Carolina (Screenshot/<a href="https://www.google.com/maps/@35.1119907,-77.0663143,3a,33.1y,350.53h,91.23t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s-PGWKaygS6szgK7YJ8HEuw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656">Google Maps</a>)
CarolinaEast Medical Center in New Bern, North Carolina (Screenshot/Google Maps)
Armstrong was taken to the CarolinaEast Medical Center by paramedics in New Bern. On Aug. 8, a spokesperson from the hospital’s rehabilitation facility said that Armstrong was doing well and was receiving three hours of therapy every day, Fox News reported.

Aiding in his recovery was the critter who saved the day, the elderly man’s beloved Bubu. On Aug. 7, the pair were reunited on hospital grounds; staffers wheeled their patient into the garden where his pup was waiting for him.

“I’ve got tears running out of my eyes,” Armstrong exclaimed to WCTI, with his beloved canine in his lap, adding, “missed her so much, man.”
Hospital staffers later posted photos of the heartwarming reunion on their Facebook page alongside the hashtag #Feel Good Friday.
Outside CarolinaEast's Rehabilitation Hospital in New Bern, North Carolina (Screenshot/<a href="https://www.google.com/maps/@35.1128729,-77.0653918,3a,31.6y,320.56h,99.36t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1slflKH-pmvX5DmUT6Eci6PQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656">Google Maps</a>)
Outside CarolinaEast's Rehabilitation Hospital in New Bern, North Carolina (Screenshot/Google Maps)

“He and Bubu have a special bond,” they wrote. “We were able to orchestrate a reunion between him and his best girl today in our Rehab Garden and it gave all the feels to those able to witness it,” staffers continued, “including our CEO, Ray Leggett!”

Armstrong, his medical team explained, has sailed all over the world in his lifetime, amassing “stories for days.” The elderly patient could be seen beaming from ear to ear in the photos from his emotional reunion with Bubu, and hospital rumor has it that he was a model patient, although “not a fan” of their turkey sausage.

The hospital’s social media post signed off by crediting Bubu, the obedient lifesaving Chihuahua, for being a “miracle pup.”

(Illustration - <a href="https://pixabay.com/photos/chihuahua-sobel-dog-466238/">a-mblomma</a>/Pixabay)
(Illustration - a-mblomma/Pixabay)

Numerous netizens took to the comments section, writing, “Great job. Pets understand a lot more than people think. Glad you are on the mend,” and, “Priceless! Perfect! Precious! The power of love, touch, healing from friends, caregivers, and fur family.”

A hospital spokesperson told Fox News that Armstrong continues to recover “slowly but surely,” and looks forward to getting back to his three-bedroom houseboat. Most importantly, he can’t wait to be permanently reunited with Bubu.
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