Meet Trump’s Youngest Grandson, There’s Truly Something ‘Presidential’ About Baby Luke

Meet Trump’s Youngest Grandson, There’s Truly Something ‘Presidential’ About Baby Luke
(Getty Images | Chip Somodevilla)

Baby Luke Trump, President Donald Trump’s youngest grandson, is 18 months old. But fashion moguls everywhere had better beware: this baby knows how to work the camera! Doting parents Lara and Eric Trump have been celebrating their firstborn since his birth in September of 2017, and some of their photo documentation is priceless.

Proud father Eric, 35, announced the birth of his son on Twitter: “[Lara] and I are excited to announce the birth of our son, Eric ”Luke“ Trump at 8:50 this morning,” he wrote, beside a picture of the little one in a stripy blanket and cap.

Eric and his wife have been happily married since 2014.

Ninth-time grandad Donald Trump quickly responded: “Congratulations to Eric & Lara on the birth of their son, Eric ”Luke“ Trump this morning!” The internet’s love for the newest, smallest member of the Presidential family was cemented.

Lara, 36, is an associate producer for television news program “Inside Edition,” but it’s clear to see from her presence on social media that she’s also a hands-on, doting mom. Her son’s journey from tiny baby to bouncing toddler has been lovingly captured on film, and Lara is keen to share the best of the best for all to enjoy.

One particularly attention-grabbing shot shows Luke having the time of his life on a garden slide, while his mom stands guard, laughing joyfully, ready to catch him.

Oh, to be that young and carefree! Luke, enjoy the high jinks.

It would be remiss not to reference the sassy toddler’s resemblance to his world-famous grandfather, however. The general public are not the only ones who have noticed. “He’s a great baby,” Lara told Fox News. “He really does not cry that much, he’s so sweet, and he has a lot of hair.”

“Apparently, he has more hair than most babies.”

And, dare we say, a very particular type of hair, Lara! “The Trump hair,” husband Eric chimed in, and we cannot argue. There’s definitely something rather ”presidential” about baby Luke’s blond, unruly barnet. Eric himself even admitted that the idiosyncratic hairdo runs in the Trump family. Eric, too, was born with the Trump signature locks.

“It was bleach blonde,” he shared. “[Luke] takes after me in that way.”

The bonnie baby Trump seems very comfortable with his bright-blond head of hair and is always camera-ready, if the numerous snaps are anything to go by. On more than one occasion, Lara and Eric have even managed to catch their son posing with a rather steely expression.

Lara captioned one popular picture, “I’m sorry, I didn’t know we already perfected #BlueSteel,” referencing Ben Stiller’s iconic “model pose” in the comedy classic movie Zoolander.

Kudos to both parents, who seem to be just as focused on their young son’s educational upbringing as they are upon enjoying his cuteness. Eric often posts pictures on his Instagram page sharing snippets from family life, and chronicles his son’s burgeoning interest in the professional goings-on of the Trump family at large.

Besides a snap of the toddler standing besides a huge pile of boxed up “Toys for Tots,” Eric captioned: “As for the little guy, it is never too early to teach philanthropy.”

Enjoy the early years, Eric and Lara, and keep the adorable photos coming! The internet simply can’t get enough of them.

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