Man lowers into a deep village well to save exhausted baby goat in the nick of time

Man lowers into a deep village well to save exhausted baby goat in the nick of time
The rescue team of Animal Aid Unlimited, India, pulls an adorable baby goat out from the bottom of an underground well. (YouTube Screenshot | Animal Aid Unlimited, India)

Even in the states, animal rescue is a daring job. You’re often forced to put yourself in harm’s way to rescue something that is incapable of saying thank you, but they are entirely capable of showing gratitude.

In the animal rescue business, the further you venture from the cities, the riskier the rescues can become, and this is especially true in other parts of the world, such as India.

Animal Aid Unlimited is a rescue organization based in the Udaipur city of Rajasthan, and they have rescued countless animals since their inception 16 years ago. In this particular video, they put yet another mark in the ever-growing “successful rescue” column.

The group was called to pull an adorable baby goat out from the bottom of an underground well.

When they arrived, the helpless baby was swimming in circles, struggling to keep its head above water, and its breath was growing more ragged and laborious. It appears the rescuers arrived just before the unthinkable could play out.

The team ties a rope around the chest of one of the rescuers and they carefully lower him into the deceptively deep well. As the man rappels further down, the baby goat lets out a few joyous bleats. Somehow, this little girl knows something good is about to come her way.

Once at the bottom of the well, the rescuer extends his free arm and wraps it around the now exhausted baby goat, and the two begin their ascent to freedom.

The baby goat belonged to a large group of migrant Rajasthani goat herders, and they were thrilled they could reunite her with her mother once again. A very happy ending for a very happy baby goat.

Watch the rescue here:

Photo Credit: YouTube Screenshot | Animal Aid Unlimited, India.

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