Marcus Watson is a father, stepson, and member of the U.S. Air Force.
Watson was just 2 years old when his stepfather, Paul Watson, came into his life.
He grew up with Paul as his father figure for as long as he could remember, looking up to the man who doesn’t share his blood but shares his values, guidance, and plenty of unconditional love.
Now, Marcus also has a daughter of his own, named Madison. Although she, too, doesn’t share blood with her step-grandfather, the older man has been a perfect role model and loving grandparent to her over the years.

To really express just how grateful Marcus was that his stepfather was able to be there for him throughout his life, and how grateful he was that the man was actively involved in his daughter’s life as well, he decided to surprise him.
The family filmed Paul sitting in a chair in November 2017. Marcus’s young daughter, Madison, runs up to him with a gift.
She urges the older man to open the surprise. “It’s better than money,” she insists when he questions if the small packaging is a sign that there’s something monetary in the little wrappings.
Instead, out falls a set of dog tags. Paul looks confused but is urged to read the engravings on the dog tags.

One says “Marcus Watson,” with all of his information. The other is for Madison, who also boasts the last name Watson on the tag, much to Paul’s confusion.
“We went in front of a judge for my name to be changed to Watson,” explained Madison proudly.

It took a moment to sink in, but then he realized; after all these years, his stepson had gone down to the courthouse to legally change his and his daughter’s last names to match Paul’s, showing just how closely they relate to the grandfather.
“It really should have happened a long time ago,” insisted Marcus.
Paul finds himself in tears over the incident, and it’s not hard to see why.

But as Marcus insists, the gesture is well deserved; as the only father he ever truly knew, it was high time that the pair shared a last name. And with Madison now so close with her grandfather as well, despite their lack of a blood connection, it was easy to give her the last name as well.
It’s a little gesture from the family but one that means a ton; for Marcus and Madison to show by name that Paul is their true family, they gave the older man a gift that no one can possibly take away.

“Absolutely unreal, you know we’re just some normal people from the Valley,” added Marcus.
However, it didn’t end there. At the show, Ellen played a video of Kansas City Chiefs quarterback Alex Smith greeting the Watson family and inviting them to one of their games. Ellen then showered the family with tickets to the game and three customized jerseys with their family name printed.