Plov is a hearty and meaty rice-based meal from Central Asia. The dish is widely considered the progenitor of rice pilaf and a cousin to paella. Native to present-day Uzbekistan, plov has spread throughout the former Soviet republic, where it varies by region. Some renditions include chickpeas. Azerbaijani plov contains dried fruit. Ukrainian plov often is made with chicken.
But every plov will include carrots, onions, garlic, and some kind of meat. It’s traditionally prepared in a large, shallow pan called a kazan. A heavy wok, large frying pan, or Dutch oven is probably the closest approximation that most of us have in the kitchen.
Legend has it that Alexander the Great commissioned the world’s first batch of plov as a way to feed his soldiers once in the morning, and keep them nourished and strong all day. Like many myths, it contains elements of truth. Plov does fill you up and keep you satisfied, and can be made in batches large enough to feed an army. But I believe plov has potential for peacemaking instead.
The plov-makers made it clear that its preparation is man’s work. I asked why women can’t make it.
“If a woman wants to eat plov,” one of them explained patiently, “she must order her husband or her brother to make it. That way, she can eat with pleasure. If you want to eat something that is prepared perfectly, you must have the master prepare it. Man is the master of plov.”
If men can make plov together, they can make peace together.

This recipe makes a basic plov. Consider it a point of departure for the creation of your own personal version. Feel free to im-plov-ise.- 1 to 2 pounds of lamb, as fatty as possible, diced
- 3 tablespoons olive oil (unless the lamb is really, really fatty)
- 2 cups long-grain rice, preferably jasmine or basmati
- 1 tablespoon crushed or powdered cumin
- 1 tablespoon crushed or powdered coriander
- 2 teaspoons black pepper
- 2 teaspoons salt, or more to taste
- 3 large carrots, cut into chunks
- 1 large onion, halved and sliced
- 2 heads garlic, left whole with the tops lopped off
- 4 bay leaves
- 1 cup red wine
When the meat has browned, mix in the cumin, coriander, black pepper, and salt. Add the carrots, onions, garlic heads, bay leaves, and wine, and stir them together. Sauté slowly, stirring occasionally, until the onions are translucent and the carrots are soft. Add the rice and mix it all together. Add about 2 cups of water, until there is about a half-inch or so covering the rice.
Cover the plov and simmer over medium heat until the rice is soft. Be ready to add more water if the pan dries out before the rice is fully cooked.
Let the plov sit, or “rest,” for about 30 minutes with the lid on before serving. This lets the flavors settle and come to balance with one another, and allows for the moisture to distribute itself evenly. As you serve it, break apart the garlic heads and distribute the soft cloves, so every serving includes a couple.