Love Cycling? Love Wearing Skirts? You Can Do Both With This Simple Trick!

If you love cycling and wearing summer dresses but are worried about that blowing wind, try this trick out!
Love Cycling? Love Wearing Skirts? You Can Do Both With This Simple Trick!

Penny In Yo Pants from Johanna Holtan on Vimeo.

The Penny In Yo'Pants ladies have come up with a simple solution that will help you wear a dress while cycling.

Watch their video to find out how. It’s so simple and costs nothing. All you need is a penny and a rubber band.

This UK project will raise funds for the Afghanistan Women Cycling Team and are producing a more sophisticated Penny In Yo'Pants cycling aid.

For more info you can visit

Afghan Cycles Trailer from LET MEDIA on Vimeo.

*Image of “woman riding a bicycle“ via Shutterstock

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