5 Documentaries About China That Everyone Should See

Life is often time more surprising than fiction, as you can see in these fantastic documentaries about China.
5 Documentaries About China That Everyone Should See

It’s that time of year to feel cozy at home with family and friends and watch wholesome and entertaining movies. But it could also be a time to get a little educated about life in other countries. This selection of non-fiction films will open your eyes to life in China, one of the most secretive country’s in the world.


1. Ai Wei Wei — The Fake Case

World renown Chinese artist Ai Wei Wei was put in jail for over two months because the Chinese regime did not like his art work. The film follows Ai Wei Wei during his time of house arrest and fake accusations, while the artist keeps fighting for his rights of expression.


2. Twin Sisters

This doc won many international prizes in 2013. Two Chinese baby twin sisters were found abandoned in a carton box. Each baby was adopted to parents from different western countries, the new parents unaware of the existence of the other twin sister. But a life chance brought them back together years later.


3. A Decade of Courage

The film shows a decade of oppression in China of one of the most influential spiritual movements in history. The documentary tells the full story of the spiritual practice Falun Gong, from its beginnings to its persecution. “A Decade of Courage” is made in four parts and can be viewed for free on Youtube.


4. Up the Yangtze 

This documentary captures the life aboard a luxury liner that cruises along one of the most famous rivers in China. It also documents how building one of the largest dams in China will change the lives of the thousands of people who reside along the Yangtze river.


5. Soul of a Banquet

80-year-old Cecilia lives in San Francisco and since the 1960’s brought authentic Chinese cuisine to America. The film shows Cecilia delectable gastronomy, as well as sharing her incredible journey from her childhood in Beijing under the Cultural Revolution to becoming accidentally a restaurateur in the West coast.