Love at First Sight: Policeman Stops Teacher at a Checkpoint, a Year Later They Marry

Love at First Sight: Policeman Stops Teacher at a Checkpoint, a Year Later They Marry
(Illustration - Shutterstock)
Coffee shops, riversides, amid the crashing waves of the ocean ... these are some of the scenes of classic romantic encounters that we know and love. But sometimes you don’t need the perfect location. Sometimes you just need the perfect person. A loved-up Filipino couple recently shared their unique story on Facebook. They fell in love (at first sight) at a routine police checkpoint and got married only 12 months later.

Cynics, step back—romance can be found in the most unexpected places!

Police officer Moh Amir Cruz Saddaramil had been assigned to work on a new traffic-control operation called “Oplan Sita.” The operation included an increase in 24/7 checkpoints in an effort to combat criminal activity on the roads and on the streets. As such, police officers were advised to stop motorcycle riders for questioning at checkpoints to try to ascertain if any riders posed a risk.

On one fateful night, Clarisse Lazaro Jao Saddaramil was the first person to pass the checkpoint. Little did she know that she was about to embark on much, much more than a routine questioning. But far from entering the encounter with a rosy smile and a sweet disposition, Clarisse was annoyed and offended at being pulled over. The young woman, a teacher, neglected to ask Amir his name. She didn’t even look at his badge.

But later, she would remember his face.

Amir, on the other hand, apparently went to work that day with an open heart and an open mind. He couldn’t take his eyes off Clarisse: for him, it was love at first sight. The smitten policeman found Clarisse on Facebook shortly after their encounter, and the dynamic of their interactions quickly changed.

Clarisse was surprised by Amir’s efforts to hunt her down on social media, but she was flattered, too. Not to mention, the young teacher was also interested in Amir, once the fluster of her initial annoyance at being pulled over had worn off!

The rest, as they say, is history. Or rather, history in the making: the couple’s story continued with a proposal followed by a beautiful wedding just 12 months after first meeting at the Oplan Sita checkpoint. A policeman and a teacher, a motorcycle checkpoint, and a very classic tale of love at first sight. Turns out we don’t need those crashing waves after all!

Amir and Clarisse’s unique love story was shared online and quickly went viral, adored by readers from both the Philippines and all around the world. A loose translation of Clarisse’s version of events goes as follows: “I met him in Oplan Sita,” she began. “I was scared ... then he searched for my name on Facebook. I was surprised when he added me ... I’m glad, too!”

The happy wife added that she had much to learn about the goings-on at Oplan Sita checkpoints, before finishing with the punchline to beat all punchlines: “We just got married!”

One delighted reader commented on Clarisse’s story: “When you see the checkpoint, don’t be afraid ... that’s where your destiny is.” Others jumped on the irresistible romance bandwagon and said that they would make efforts to cross an Oplan Sita checkpoint in the future. Maybe they would meet their own destiny there too, just as Clarisse has done.

Congratulations, Amir and Clarisse. You’ve successfully melted hearts everywhere.

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