Little Girl Prepares for Father-Daughter Dance With Amazing Blended Family

Little Girl Prepares for Father-Daughter Dance With Amazing Blended Family
(Left to right) Dylan Lenox, Willow, and David Lewis's photo shoot in preparation of an upcoming father-daughter dance. (Photo courtesy of Willie + Rose Photography)

An impending father-daughter dance in Waco, Texas. Two fathers prepare with a photoshoot for their daughter, Willow, simultaneously sending a positive message to the internet about co-parenting and blended families.

Photo courtesy of  <a href="">Willie + Rose Photography</a>
Photo courtesy of  Willie + Rose Photography
Dylan Lenox (soon-to-be stepdad, or “Bonus Dad”) and David Lewis (biological dad) had professional photos taken with their gorgeous daughter Willow. Sarah Megnon, Willow’s mother and photographer for Willie + Rose Photography, was behind the camera.
Dylan clarified their family setup with good humor on Facebook: “No we are not a same sex couple, but we do share a daughter ... David is Sarah’s ex husband and I am the Fiancé.”
Photo courtesy of  <a href="">Willie + Rose Photography</a>
Photo courtesy of  Willie + Rose Photography
Both men are grateful to Sarah for her willingness to blend their family into one unique and non-traditional unit. Their collective motivation is quite simple: All parents want to provide an example of the power of love for their children. There was an unexpected bonus for Dylan: “I gained a brother and a best friend.”
Sarah could not be more delighted that her ex-husband and fiancé have become close, and are keen to co-parent. “Willow Grace you are loved by so many people in this world and your Daddies love you!” she exclaims, on her own social media feed.
Photo courtesy of  <a href="">Willie + Rose Photography</a>
Photo courtesy of  Willie + Rose Photography

Sarah and David separated after two years of marriage and decided, amicably, that Willow’s happiness would always be their number one consideration. When Sarah met Dylan, their promise was put to the test.

Speaking to Yahoo Lifestyle, Sarah explained that Dylan met Willow for the first time when she was only 18 months old. Sarah’s fears were quickly dispelled: “Dylan told me he fell in love with Willow before me.”

Photo courtesy of  <a href="">Willie + Rose Photography</a>
Photo courtesy of  Willie + Rose Photography

But the challenge was twofold: Would Sarah’s ex-husband and new partner get along just as easily?

Mercifully, it was love story #2 for the two men in Willow’s life. David and Dylan got on like a house on fire. “It’s never a competition with [David] and Dylan,“ Sarah tells Yahoo. ”Our daughter is very loved and will continue to know what unconditional love is.”

Dylan has a 6-year-old son from a previous relationship, and Sarah and Dylan, together, now have 2-year-old Tatum. Their conscientious attitude towards parenting and openness to blending their extended families has served everybody well. David remains single. But don’t worry, Dylan is on the case for his co-parenting buddy.

Dylan shared his thoughts in an inspiring post on Facebook: “When we care more about our children (on both sides of the party) than the way society has taught us to be towards (ex’s/baby mommas/daddy’s) then walls will fall, life will be free of hatred and remorse, and our children will conquer the foolish ‘norms’ that media has shoved in our faces.”

Dylan, Sarah, and David are hoping that their progressive family will lead by example, and prove to others that love is the very best, and most triumphant, motivation of all.

Do you know anybody with an unusual family arrangement? If you are uplifted by Dylan, Sarah, and David’s story of love and successful co-parenting, share this story with all the parents you know!

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