Kite-Surfer Finds Message in a Bottle With Diamond Ring Inside, Tracks Down Its Owner

Kite-Surfer Finds Message in a Bottle With Diamond Ring Inside, Tracks Down Its Owner
(Courtesy of Sebastien Allain)
Canadian kite-surfer Sebastien Allain accidentally lost his gear during a winter surfing trip, but the hours-long search to recover his possessions yielded an unexpected find: a message in a bottle, which happened to also contain a diamond ring.

Allain tracked down the sender and learned this was not the first message he had sent, nor the first that was returned to him.

Allain was surfing at Nova Scotia’s Chezzetcook Bay on Dec. 6, 2020, when a strong gust of wind flipped his kite into the water. As Allain later explained to CTV News, “the wind was offshore, so it drove the kite out to sea.”
Sebastien Allain kite-surfing. (Courtesy of <a href="">Sebastien Allain</a>)
Sebastien Allain kite-surfing. (Courtesy of Sebastien Allain)
East Chezzetcook in Nova Scotia, Canada, where the bottle was found. (Screenshot/<a href="'38.6%22N+63%C2%B013'59.9%22W/@44.7170496,-63.2277117,12.66z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x0!8m2!3d44.6940558!4d-63.2333099">Google Maps</a>)
East Chezzetcook in Nova Scotia, Canada, where the bottle was found. (Screenshot/Google Maps)

He had borrowed the expensive equipment from a friend. Determined to retrieve it, the surfer mapped out the area and waited for the bad weather to die down before swimming through cold, choppy waters to a nearby island to conduct the search.

After hours, Allain eventually located the missing kite, but he also noticed something shiny half stuck in the swampy ground: a sealed bottle containing a note and a small object.

He picked it up.

Allain drove home, looking forward to a warm meal and a hot shower. But what was in the bottle? “I had completely forgotten about it,” he told The Epoch Times, “so we went in the truck to retrieve it.”

Inside, he found three pages with handwritten script, which he read, and he learned that the bottle was discharged by a local man in his 70s who had been sending messages like this for 30 years.

(Courtesy of <a href="">Sebastien Allain</a>)
(Courtesy of Sebastien Allain)

The man would write a short letter with his address in the hopes of making new acquaintances across the world, Allain explained.

Also inside the bottle, he found a small diamond ring, which once belonged to the sender’s mother, who died in 2018. Allain shared photos of his incredible find on his Instagram.

“He had no one to pass on his mother’s wedding ring, thus he placed it inside this one bottle in the hope that it would find a good home,” Allain explained.

Fortuitously, the week prior to finding the ring, Allain had proposed to his girlfriend of five years, Liosa.

Allain with his fiancée, Liosa Bennett. (Courtesy of <a href="">Sebastien Allain</a>)
Allain with his fiancée, Liosa Bennett. (Courtesy of Sebastien Allain)

The couple decided to contact the sender, a retired miller, and even decided to pay him a visit. Bearing a box of Christmas chocolates, they visited the man and were entertained with tales of messages in bottles sent over the course of decades.

Another bottle had washed up and was discovered by a teacher whose students sent droves of Christmas cards to the retiree. While remaining anonymous and declining to be interviewed, the man says that he is happy his bottles are bringing joy to others.

This story was last updated in January 2021.
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