John Oliver of ‘The Daily Show’ to Wed

John Oliver of ‘The Daily Show’ is engaged to Iraq War vet Kate Norley.
John Oliver of ‘The Daily Show’ to Wed
John Oliver of 'The Daily Show' is engaged to Iraq War vet Kate Norley. Jason Kempin/Getty Images
<a><img src="" alt="John Oliver of 'The Daily Show' is engaged to Iraq War vet Kate Norley. (Jason Kempin/Getty Images)" title="John Oliver of 'The Daily Show' is engaged to Iraq War vet Kate Norley. (Jason Kempin/Getty Images)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-1813902"/></a>
John Oliver of 'The Daily Show' is engaged to Iraq War vet Kate Norley. (Jason Kempin/Getty Images)
John Oliver, The Daily Show’s senior British correspondent, is set to get married after announcing his engagement on Saturday, according to People magazine.

Oliver met girlfriend Kate Norley at the Republican National Convention while he was covering the event for The Daily Show. Norley, an Iraq War veteran, was campaigning on behalf of Vets for Freedom.

“I was a medic in the Army,” she told People. “It was difficult, but right now it’s nice that I get to spend time with the love of my life.”

Oliver proposed to her during a July trip to the Caribbean.

“It’s the most emasculating thing I could possibly do to go out with someone who has actually done something valuable with their life,” Oliver joked.

The two plan on exchanging vows some time next year.