How to Find Love

How to Find Love
Bill Lindsey
It’s natural to want to experience true love, but it can’t be rushed, and has no respect for our schedule. Being open but not anxious can greatly increase the chances of finding that special someone.

Stop Looking

People who are overly eager to find love send off a signal that can cause exactly who they are looking for to stay far away. Those who are calm, confident, and relaxed attract others like moths to a flame. Take a deep breath and focus on being happy and friendly, then sit back to see who comes into your life in the most unexpected and wonderful way.

Get Out There

An effective way to meet others who might be a love match is to do what you enjoy. Finding someone with similar interests can greatly increase the chances of a connection, so keep your eyes open as you roam the art museum, attend sporting events, or take your pup to the dog park. Volunteer for political campaigns and social causes you support, and join clubs that are focused on your hobbies and interests, such as gardening or vintage cars.

Be Sociable

A quick look around any office, restaurant, or public place reveals a lot of closed-off people doing their best to not make eye contact and to present as bland an expression as humanly possible. Acknowledging friends, coworkers, and even strangers with a gentle smile and a slight nod can shatter the barrier holding them back from saying “hi” to you. That stranger at the grocery store may turn out to be the love of your life.

Be Open to Good

An effective way to attract love is to develop a positive attitude, taking time to acknowledge any bits of good that may occur, such as an unanticipated promotion at work, finding the perfect parking space at the mall, or a neighbor unexpectedly offering to help you trim a tree in your yard. A positive outlook can make you more approachable and charming to everyone you encounter.

Love is Near-Sighted

Yes, personality counts for a lot, but be realistic in your love goals. Celebrities rarely fall for their fans, and many people tend to gravitate toward others who make them look good. Sometimes a fashion makeover or a commitment to physical fitness may be a way to gain the attention of potential love matches. Be honest about political and social leanings, as these can either cement or sabotage a connection.
Bill Lindsey is an award-winning writer based in South Florida. He covers real estate, automobiles, timepieces, boats, and travel topics.
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