These kinds of puzzles are all over the internet, and it’s brilliant. As technology becomes increasingly integral to the running of our everyday lives (and more and more of us spend our days in front of computers), finding ways to give our brains a break has never been more important.

Sometimes they’re easy and gratifying, but other times a puzzle will leave you truly flummoxed. It’s different on each and every occasion, and that’s the beauty of brainteasers. How much sleep you’ve had, the time of day, and even your mood will affect your ability to solve a puzzle quickly and correctly.

To make things just a little bit more interesting, we’re enforcing the same time limit! The picture below is filled with 6s, or so you think. There are actually a few sneaky 8s hidden in there for fun, and we want you to find them.
You have 10 seconds on the clock. How many 8s can you find? Ready, set, go!

There are numerous factors that make this tricky. The font, for one, and the colors. Also, the shapes of the numbers 6 and 8 are infuriatingly similar! Suddenly, it doesn’t seem so unlikely that only 3 people out of 10 manage to get the correct answer, does it?
Before we reveal the definitive number of 8s in the picture (and, wait for it, there’s even a tantalizing twist!), why not share this picture with whomever you’re sitting next to right now and see if you get the same result? There’s nothing like a bit of healthy competition to liven up the office!

Okay, you’ve waited long enough; it’s results time.
The correct answer is eight. How satisfying is that? There are eight 8s in the picture! Did you get this answer? If not, you’re probably shouting at your screen right now: “It’s only seven! I checked and double checked, there are only seven 8s lodged in between those white number 6s!”
And yes, you'd be right to say that. However, while seven 8s are indeed nestled between the sixes, here’s the twist: you also have to count the big red “8” in the question itself!

So, eight 8s in total. Are you with us? If you got it right on your own, then give yourself a pat on the back because you are in the minority.
If you didn’t get it straight away, then console yourself with the knowledge that most other people didn’t get it the first time either. But that’s why we keep doing brainteasers; to get better and better and better! Whether it’s simply for your own brain health, or to indulge in a little competition with your friends, puzzles are a wonderful pastime.

How many secret geniuses do you work with? Be sure to share this puzzle and find out for yourself!