The brain is an amazing, hard-working organ. Even while your kids are sleeping, their brains continue to busily process all of the experiences from the day, store essential information, and categorize and weed out the unimportant. It’s on duty 24/7.
What Is a Brain Break?
Simply put, a brain break is a pause in learning.The purpose of a brain break is to give your kids time to recharge both their brains and their bodies with activities that energize or calm; these breaks allow their brains time to process and reinforce learning.
Different Types of Brain Breaks
Brain breaks can be a form of movement, sensory stimulation, mindfulness activities, or a creative project. Choose movement activities such as calisthenics or dancing to upbeat or favorite music, or challenge your kids to a game of keep the balloon in the air. If it’s pleasant outside, encourage them to go out and play tag, climb trees, jump rope, roller skate, or work in the garden hoeing, weeding, or harvesting.Some sensory activities that are easy to incorporate into your day include Play-Doh play, especially with the homemade scented kind, water and sand play, nature walks, bubble blowing, etc. Try some practical life skills, too, such as washing dishes, folding fresh laundry, collecting eggs from the hen house, or picking sweet-smelling, colorful flowers for a dinnertime centerpiece.
When and How to Incorporate Brain Breaks
Charlotte Mason, esteemed British educator, believed that lessons should be short to best take advantage of a student’s attention span; she recommends 20-minute lessons for young children and 40-minute lessons for older students. Her philosophy is based on two considerations. First, a child who knows how much time he or she has to complete a lesson tends to focus better with less daydreaming. Second, when this is implemented on a daily basis, a child’s attention span will naturally, over time, strengthen and improve. So with this in mind, plan for a brain break after each lesson.Also, any time that you notice your child fidgeting, daydreaming, or struggling, it’s the perfect time to break away from the lesson with a brain break.
So, incorporating brain breaks into your homeschooling day will positively enhance your program in several ways: Your kids will be more motivated to focus and work diligently to complete their lessons, they will retain more information and have stronger recall, and they will hopefully look forward to each new school day because they will experience fewer frustrations and struggles in the learning process.