As Thanksgiving draws nearer, all of the workers at the Bee-Hive Store grow more and more excited. For, every Thanksgiving, the owner of the Bee-Hive Store graciously puts together a feast for all of the workers. With delicious food, music, and dancing, they all have a jolly time.
Giving Freely
For several months, in preparation for the party, Maida saved money to gradually pay the dressmaker to make her beautiful purple dress. Now, the night before Thanksgiving, she has finally saved up enough money. After work, she will go home, get the money, and retrieve her dress.However, upon returning home, she discovers that the landlady has kicked Grace out of her room. Grace cries bitterly, “She says I’ve got to get out. ... The old beast. Because I owe her $4. She’s put my trunk in the hall and locked the door. I can’t go anywhere else. I haven’t got a cent of money.”
A Kind Dressmaker
The next day arrives and Grace sweeps into Maida’s room in her red dress, excited and ready for the party. However, she discovers that Maida does not plan on going. Maida looks at Grace and says, “I was set on my purple. ... If I can’t have it I won’t go at all. ... You look awful nice in red.”At the dressmakers, Maida informs him that she cannot buy the dress. But, when she explains herself to him, he responds, referring to the dress as “him”: “Take him away. He is made goot; and if you look bretty in him all right. So. Pay me when you can.” Maida is all aglow with gratitude. She breathes her thanks and takes her purple dress out for a walk in the rain.

Through this story, Henry wishes to cultivate in us a spirit of giving and a heart of gratitude. For, when we give what we have willingly, we bestow blessings those around us. And, when we express our gratitude, we continue to bless those who gave.
As W.T. Purkiser says, “Not what we say about our blessings, but how we use them, is the true measure of our thanksgiving.” So, as we enter Thanksgiving, let us partake in both measures of the holiday: giving and gratitude. In doing so, we harbor a community of blessings and graces.