Kate Vidimos
Kate Vidimos
Kate Vidimos is a 2020 graduate from the liberal arts college at the University of Dallas, where she received her bachelor’s degree in English. She plans on pursuing all forms of storytelling (specifically film) and is currently working on finishing and illustrating a children’s book.


John Kendrick Bangs’ Short Story, ‘Miss Tooker’s Wedding Gift’

John Kendrick Bangs’ Short Story, ‘Miss Tooker’s Wedding Gift’

Eleanor H. Porter’s Short Story, ‘The Price of a Pair of Shoes’

Eleanor H. Porter’s Short Story, ‘The Price of a Pair of Shoes’

Nathaniel Hawthorne’s Short Story Shows the Wonder of the Ordinary

Nathaniel Hawthorne’s Short Story Shows the Wonder of the Ordinary

Nathaniel Hawthorne’s Short Story, ‘The Sister-Years’

Nathaniel Hawthorne’s Short Story, ‘The Sister-Years’

Nathaniel Hawthorne’s Short Story, ‘The Great Stone Face’

Nathaniel Hawthorne’s Short Story, ‘The Great Stone Face’

O. Henry’s Short Story, ‘The Purple Dress’

O. Henry’s Short Story, ‘The Purple Dress’