Healthy Holiday Superfoods (+Video)

Eating healthy holiday superfoods will help you avoid unwanted weight gain. Fitness and nutrition expert, John Basedow serves up some of the best vitamin, antioxidant and nutrient-rich superfoods.
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Eating healthy holiday superfoods will help you avoid unwanted weight gain. Fitness and nutrition expert, John Basedow serves up some of the best vitamin, antioxidant and nutrient-rich superfoods, including turkey, sweet potatoes, cranberries, pomegranate, nutmeg, cinnamon, and red wine, that will make you healthier than ever this holiday season.

Turkey is the go to food for many holidays. It is an excellent protein source, and is also packed with Vitamin D, Zinc, and potassium. These nutrients help control cholesterol, protect against cancer, and heart disease. 

Sweet potatoes are one of the healthiest vegetables. They are known to be full of fibre, and anti aging phytochemicals. 

Cranberries are loaded with disease fighting antioxidants, and they are also naturally low in sugar. 

Another antioxidant rich superfood, is the pomegranate. Sprinkle some of these pretty, and powerful pomegranate seeds over your salad. 

For  a great source of Vitamin E, and magnesium add some pecans into your salad too. Also, use nutmeg, and cinnamon to spice up your fruit, and vegetable dishes. 



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