Grandmother Gets Stunning New Look From the ‘Makeoverguy’ After Finishing Chemo

Grandmother Gets Stunning New Look From the ‘Makeoverguy’ After Finishing Chemo
(Courtesy of MAKEOVERGUY)

Wishing to reclaim her sense of self after completing chemotherapy, Monica, of Germantown, Wisconsin, volunteered to go under the shears of a well-known stylist. The stunning result empowered her to enter 2021 with a brand-new outlook on life.

Monica, a mom of two with three grandchildren, has endured cancer twice. “Your time on this earth isn’t given and you might as well enjoy it,” she told Christopher Hopkins, a.k.a. “The Makeover Guy,” at his studio in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

(Courtesy of <a href="">MAKEOVERGUY</a>)
(Courtesy of MAKEOVERGUY)

At the end of December, a few days before her styling, Monica had broken a tooth. She arrived at the studio feeling especially shy of her physical appearance.

In footage of Monica’s amazing transformation, shared on YouTube, Hopkins’s team explained that their client once had naturally dark-brown hair owing to her Native American and Hispanic heritage. Monica’s hair gradually turned white, and during home isolation in June, she took the plunge: She dyed her hair a bright golden blonde.

“I said, ‘Let’s do something else with it!’” Monica recalled, adding that she loved the result.

(Courtesy of <a href="">MAKEOVERGUY</a>)
(Courtesy of MAKEOVERGUY)

Hopkins decided to keep the blonde but got rid of the gold in favor of a more sophisticated, ashy tone, “with a focus on those dark eyes, she’s stunning,” said the team.

Hopkins and his style team shaped Monica’s eyebrows, added a peach blush, a nude lip, and a subtle smokey eye, and put their client in a soft floral blouse to complete the look.

(Courtesy of <a href="">MAKEOVERGUY</a>)
(Courtesy of MAKEOVERGUY)

“Image is very important. You kind of forget that, especially during COVID,” Monica reflected.

Looking into the mirror at a brand-new woman, Monica was overwhelmed. Confessing a private goal, she admitted to Hopkins that she had always wanted to be as pretty as her sisters. Hopkins’s makeover achieved that, and so much more.

Monica decided not to waste another second worrying about her broken tooth.

“I haven’t been happy for a while,” Hopkins’s client gushed. “You guys are miracle workers ... I have never felt so welcomed and so listened to.”

Monica claimed that things are “meant to be,” and “you can’t get too serious with life.” With two cancer battles behind her and a stunning new look ahead to enjoy, Monica left the studio ready to take on the world.

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