3 Very Different Culinary Creations, One Common Ingredient: Goji Berries

Goji berries have been known to promote longevity, boost the immune system and help protect eyes from age-related issues. Similar to the benefits of eating other berries, goji berries are loaded with beta-carotene, which helps promote healthy skin, and are also an excellent source of antioxidants, iron and fibre.
3 Very Different Culinary Creations, One Common Ingredient: Goji Berries
Goji Berry frozen yogurt (Courtesy of Four Seasons)

Goji berries are small, reddish-orange berries with a slightly sweet and somewhat sour flavor. One variety tastes almost like a tomato (especially when eaten fresh) while another is more similar to other tangy berries. Sometimes goji berries are called wolfberries or Chinese wolfberries. You may also see them referred to as Tibetan goji, which is a specific variety found only in areas of Tibet and mostly in Mongolian regions. Considered both a fruit and an herb, goji berries are typically grown in Asian and European countries, but sold in packages or in bulk at health food and grocery stores across North America. A few easy ways to consume this healthy fruit are to use them in baking, add goji berry powder to smoothies, or just grab a handful to enjoy! 


Talk about a super fruit! Goji berries have been known to promote longevity, boost the immune system and help protect eyes from age-related issues. Similar to the benefits of eating other berries, goji berries are loaded with beta-carotene, which helps promote healthy skin, and are also an excellent source of antioxidants, iron and fibre. Their high concentration of vitamin C can even help combat tough cold symptoms. Some also claim these berries are natural remedies for high blood pressure, diabetes, malaria or even fever. 

See how Executive Chef Chan Yan Tak’s and Pastry Chef Ringo Chan from Four Seasons Hotel Hong Kong create these three inspired dishes with Goji Berries. 

1. Quinoa Salad with Goji Berries and Sherry Vinaigrette

2. Lobster with Goji Berries

3. Goji Berry Frozen Yogurt 


1. Quinoa Salad with Goji Berries and Sherry Vinaigrette

By Executive Chef Chan Yan Tak of Four Seasons Hotel Hong Kong 

(Courtesy Of Four Seasons)


Ingredients the Quinoa Salad:

  • 5 oz (143 g) white quinoa
  • 5 oz (143 g) black quinoa
  • 1 oz (28 g) toasted pine nuts
  • 2 oz (55 g) cooked chickpeas
  • 3 oz (85 g) pumpkin, 1/2-inch slice
  • 3 oz (85 g) halloumi cheese
  • 1 oz (28 g) dried goji berries
  • 1 oz (28 g) flat parsley
  • ¼ oz (7 g) salt
  • Toasted cumin seeds, ground
  • Salt and pepper to taste

1. Wash the quinoa under running water for 30 seconds.

2. Cook the quinoa with a pint of water and ¼ ounce (7 g) of salt for 20 minutes; drain and cool down (there should be at least twice as much volume of water than quinoa).

3. Grill the halloumi cheese and cut it into 1/2-inch pieces.

4. Brush the pumpkin slice with olive oil, season it with salt and pepper and place on grill until you get a nice grill mark. Then bake at 375 degrees F (190 degrees C) for 15 minutes until tender.

5. Boil the dried goji berries for 3 minutes; drain and let cool down.

6. Season with salt, pepper and ground toasted cumin. Note: To toast cumin seeds, place whole seeds in a pan and toast until lightly smoky, then grind in a spice grinder. Or use store-bought cumin as a substitute.

7. Mix all the ingredients together and toss with Sherry Vinaigrette to taste.

Ingredients the Sherry Vinaigrette:

  • ½ oz (14 g) shallot
  • 2 tsp (10 ml) sherry vinegar
  • 1 tsp (5 ml) lemon juice
  • ½ tsp (2.5 ml) Dijon mustard
  • 3 tsp (15 ml) extra-virgin olive oil
  • Salt and pepper to taste

1. Blend all the ingredients together and season to taste.

 This article was originally published on taste.fourseasons.com. Read the original here

See next page for more recipes that use Goji Berries

Lobster with Goji Berries

By Executive Chef Chan Yan Tak of Four Seasons Hotel Hong Kong 

(Courtesy Of Four Seasons)


  • 1 oz (28 g) dried black mushrooms (also called “black fungus”)
  • 1 oz (28 g) dried goji berries
  • 3 oz (85 g) fresh lily bulbs
  • 3 oz (85 g) green asparagus
  • 12 oz (336 g) lobster meat
  • ¼ tsp (1 ml) salt
  • 1 tsp (5 ml) sugar
  • 1 tsp (5 ml) cornstarch
  • 2 garlic cloves, mashed
  • ½ oz (14 g) ginger, julienned
  • XO sauce
  • Salt to taste


1. Soak the black mushrooms in boiling water for 10 minutes; drain and let dry on towel.

2. Boil the dried goji berries for 3 minutes; drain and cool down.

3. Wash and cut the lily bulbs into pieces.

4. Clean and slice the green asparagus into 1-inch pieces.

5. Cut the lobster meat into ½-ounce (14 g) pieces, then toss with ¼ teaspoon (1 ml) of salt, sugar and cornstarch.

6. Stir-fry the lobster meat for 3–4 minutes until medium and set aside.

7. Blanch the green asparagus in salt water for 1 minute.

8. Heat the wok with vegetable oil, add the mashed garlic, ginger, black mushrooms, asparagus and lily bulbs. Stir-fry well for 30 seconds.

9. Add the pre-cooked lobster meat, the goji berries, the XO sauce and wok-fry for another 2 minutes at high temperature.

 This article was originally published on taste.fourseasons.com. Read the original here. 

Goji Berry Frozen Yogurt

By Ringo Chan, Pastry Chef of Four Seasons Hotel Hong Kong 

(Courtesy Of Four Seasons)

 Ingredients for Osmanthus & Goji Berry Frozen Yogurt:
  • 1 cup (250 ml) cream
  • 1 tsp (5 ml) dried osmanthus flowers
  • 1 ¼ cup (300 ml) whole milk greek yogurt
  • 3 ½ tbsp (52.5 ml) agave syrup
  • 1/8 tsp (.5 ml) xanthan gum
  • ½ oz (14 g) dried goji berries

1. In a saucepan, bring the cream to a boil with the dried osmanthus flowers; infuse for 30 minute off the stove.

2. Add the greek yogurt, agave syrup, xanthan gum and mix well.

3. Pour into ice cream maker, let it run until texture becomes smooth, creamy and firm.

4. Boil the dried goji berries for 3 minutes; drain and let cool down.

5. Mix the goji berries with the osmanthus frozen yogurt.

6. Store in the freezer until ready to use.

Ingredients for Crispy Sesame Tuile:

  • 2 ½ oz (69 g) unsalted butter, softened
  • 2 ½ oz (69 g) sugar
  • 4/5 oz (22.4 g) glucose
  • 4/5 fl oz (24 ml) fresh milk
  • 5 oz (143 g) white sesame seeds
  • ½ oz (14 g) black sesame seeds

1. Preheat the oven at 350 degrees F (180 degrees C).

2. Mix all ingredients together in a mixing bowl.

3. Prepare a baking tray with wax paper. Pour the mixture on top, and using a rolling pin, push the mixture to create a thin layer.

4. Baked in oven until golden brown in colour.

Ingredients for Agave Goji Berry Jelly:

  • 1/3 oz (9 g) gelatin leaf
  • 2 fl oz (60 ml) water
  • 1 ¼ oz (37.5 ml) agave syrup
  • 5 fl oz (150 ml) water
  • 1/3 oz (9 g) dried goji berries

1. Soak the gelatin leaves with cold water until soft.

2. In a small saucepan, bring the agave syrup and 5 fluid ounces (150 ml) of water to a boil, then cool down to room temperature and add softened gelatin. Mix well.

3. Boil the dried goji berries for 3 minutes, drain and let cool down.

4. Put the goji berries in a mold, top with the agave-gelatin mix and refrigerate. Once cooled, cut it out into your favourite shape and desired sizes.

Ingredients for Citrus Olive Oil Madeleine:

  • 1/5 lb (91 g) cake flour
  • ½ tsp (2.5 ml) baking powder
  • 2/5 tsp (2 ml) baking soda
  • A pinch of salt
  • 1 large egg
  • 3 1/5 oz (91 g) sugar
  • 2 fl oz (60 ml) lemon-infused olive oil
  • 2 fl oz (60 ml) fresh milk
  • 4/5 fl oz (24 ml) Limoncello
  • 1 lemon, juice and zest

1. Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C).

2. Mix all ingredients together in a mixing bowl.

3. Pour the mixture into a small Madeleine cake mould.

4. Bake for 15 minute or until golden brown in colour.

To Assemble:

1. In a martini glass, place a large scoop of Osmanthus & Goji Berry Frozen Yogurt in the bottom and drizzle with a bit of agave syrup.

2. Top it off with the Agave Goji Berry Jelly and decorate with the Crispy Sesame Tuile.

3. Place the martini glass on a wooden or slate board, accompanied by the Olive Oil Madeleine.

 This article was originally published on taste.fourseasons.com. Read the original here. 


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